Title: Tell me true (5/?)
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: Pg-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
atlinmerrick. Day 328.
Day 328 - “Tell me about your first love.” )
Comments 6
Besides, I love London and the boys. And in both cases it was love at first sight.
Aww. Did I ever tell you I adore your John?
“What about a human one?” he asked gently, like he feared there might never have been one.
What do you mean, feared? *clings to her head-canon*
“He… I fell in love at first sight, although I didn’t know it then. He was wonderful. Everything I had missed my entire life.”
Sherlock leaned over to press a soft kiss on John’s lips.
*sighs happily* Did I ever tell you I adore your fluff?
I love this one. I love the fact that John is Sherlock's first love, the way Sherlock talks about London, the atmosphere of intimacy and tenderness, and honestly it's hard not to love a fic whose tags are "fluff", "kissing", "love" and "sex". :D
Nevertheless, I'm sorry but I think Sherlock's parents were right. I think he should look for someone a bit more French. *tries to look innocent *
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