Title: Yo, ho and a bottle of rum
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
atlinmerrick. Day 282.
Previous 221b:
It Came from the Fridge Today's prompt: pirate
Yo, ho and a bottle of rum
“John,” Sherlock said without looking up from the case file, “I think I’m ready for penetrative sex now.”
John pinched the bridge of his nose and suppressed the need to hit his head against the nearest wall.
Lestrade coughed and then slapped John’s shoulder with a broad grin. “Congrats, mate! Enjoy your evening.”
That was on Monday.
On Tuesday Sherlock managed to snub Molly, so that she refused to resume working until Sherlock had left.
Wednesday he clashed with Anderson after Lestrade told the latter to stop his wild speculations on the cause of death and Sherlock shouted, “Why? Wild speculations are his speciality after all. His only one, to be precise.” Loud enough for everybody working the scene to hear.
John spent his Thursday trying to calm Molly down and berating Sherlock.
Today is Friday and they are at yet another crime scene. While Sherlock looks at the body, Greg comes over for some small talk.
“John. How is he doing?”
“We are working on his sensitivity.”
“How is that going?”
“I still feel reminded of the fact that he initially wanted to be a pirate quite often.”
Greg chuckles and John closes his eyes in silent exasperation when Sherlock hollers across the room, “John, look at this rope. I’m sure our sex life would greatly improve with bondage!”
Next 221b:
So bad one can taste it (1/2) ------------------
The prompt was 'pirate'.