I'm excited about the lineup for this con. Lots of games I'm excited to run, and lots I'm excited to play!
Friday 2pm: The Lost Temple-City of Xtylos (Dungeon World; Christopher Stone-Bush)
Friday 8pm:
The Dark Zone Saturday 9am:
Mission BostonSaturday 2pm: Either Monster of the Week or Conan Apocalypse World, depending on manual registration.
Saturday 8pm: Bad Publicity (Spelljammer/Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying; Mike Olson) [In the Plate Mail Games sound room]
Sunday 9am: Nothing.
Sunday 2pm:
Call Me Brede [In the Plate Mail Games sound room]
Sunday 8pm: Cthulhu Mythos (tremulus; Denys Mordred)
Monday: We'll see.