Gateway 2011 Wrap-up

Sep 06, 2011 19:09

So, Gateway rocked, as usual. Four days, nine games, great food, great drinks, great company.
  • Friday (Monster of the Week, Houses of the Blooded)
  • Saturday (Dungeon World, Mountain Witch, Hollowpoint)
  • Sunday (Dungeon World, PDQ: Jaws of the Six Serpents, Don't Rest Your Head)
  • Monday (Dungeon World)

The sign of a great con for me is always that by the end of it, I want to play more games with the people I've just spent a weekend gaming with. This is the case. I'm really amped for Apocalypse World on Thursday, let alone Nerdly in three weeks and Big Bad Con two weeks after that. Hell, I'm amped for Kapcon which is, like, a million years away!

So, you know, that happened.

strategicon, rpgs, conventions

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