[recipe] fake!risotto

Apr 09, 2012 20:54

it uses leftover rice so it's super fast, as well as super tasty.

directions, no list of ingredients, for i am lazy and i made this recipe up )

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Comments 6

musikologie April 10 2012, 01:00:04 UTC
I make risotto when I have leftover chicken that needs using. Adding a bit of tomato paste or sauce works well, too.


anamuan April 10 2012, 11:52:37 UTC
oh, thanks for the tips!


ravyn_ashling April 10 2012, 06:10:56 UTC
i love risotto but have never tried making it myself. thanks for this! i'll try it out when i get the chance. :D


anamuan April 10 2012, 11:54:38 UTC
it's not a "proper" risotto, but i'm not going to buy a fancy kind of rice or cook something for like 4 hours anyway.


ravyn_ashling April 11 2012, 00:28:26 UTC
i'm not one to always do things the 'proper' way anyway ;)


go_chan2011 April 12 2012, 00:30:28 UTC
Wow I def have to do this someday^^


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