let the insanity begin...

Dec 30, 2009 22:21

...in january! signed up for getyourwordsout again this year, but, having successfully met my goal of 200k on Dec. 11, I decided (with a little help from sillyandmorbid) to up the ante this year, with 250k. wish me luck! i will need it.

i am pretty sure that finishing had a lot to do with getting ahead in january (which, honestly, probably had a lot to do with being unemployed), so while i start keep writing drabbles from christmas eve, let's do another set for new year's eve (eve).

let's have a time stamp meme. Here's my fic. pick a fic, and a time before or after (or hey, maybe during, if there's a time lapse or something), and i will try to write it for you in a timely manner.

For example, you could ask for something 4 months after the end of Bruises, or something 2 weeks before Infinity's End.

with the doom!, nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, teh internets > my sanity, ficcage

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