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Comments 23

sillyandmorbid September 2 2009, 01:39:36 UTC
i am torn on the first question, and therefore picked other. i enjoy paid, even though i really don't use all the perks, but that doesn't mean you need it. esp b/c you have plenty of userpic space over at dw


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:42:09 UTC
maa, the userpics are not the main reason i like the paid account, honestly. I mean, it took most of the year to fill them up because i was too lazy to upload. but thank you for your input! *thinks more*


cynicalism September 2 2009, 02:12:15 UTC
i motion for a ticky named tick-tock! D:

at this point i feel like paid lj time is a waste of money (you could buy a good meal with $20!) but that's probably cause i don't spend nearly as much time here anymore. (although the ads on other people's ljs gets annoying fast) but then you also work and make good money so if you think it's worth it, then you should buy it! :)

*basically a useless comment*


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:41:15 UTC
motion duly noted!

actually, i could probably pay for 2 good meals with 20, if i'm eating out. or at least, 1.25, (if it's dinner and in DC. at home, i could probably buy 4 decent meals with 20)

do you know, if i let my account expire, then can i still get it for 20, or will i have to pay 25?


cynicalism September 2 2009, 03:42:47 UTC

i'm pretty sure you can still get it for 20 again, just that it'll set up automatic payments again when you do, but you can always turn it off.


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:44:01 UTC
hmmmmmm *thinks more*


pixisticks September 2 2009, 02:17:06 UTC
No because then I will be jealous of your money


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:38:51 UTC
roflrofl that is such a good reason. it's what you get for being a student, and what i get for being an employed graduate~


pixisticks September 2 2009, 03:52:47 UTC
Who rarely does work at work :P

Although, I read in a magazine that people who surf the net at work have a higher rate of concentration, as long as they keep it short.


anamuan September 4 2009, 01:50:48 UTC
i work all the time at work! i just also happen to have my email open most of the time. fine though! i shall stop paying attention to your emails so i can ~*~concentrate~*~ on library submittals. :P


winterspel September 2 2009, 03:32:53 UTC
For me, comment editing and the ability to expand collapsed comment threads are very nice paid account features - I like other things that you probably don't need like extra icons, full layout customization (since I update my sidebar fairly regularly), Scrapbook, full filtering and notification features, but those first two are wonderful, imo.

ETA: I can't believe I forgot to mention the "no ads anywhere" - this is actually one of my most favorite things.


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:38:02 UTC
the lack of ads is really nice, though now that i'm using firefox most of the time, there are just spaces where the ads are supposed to be. 'full filtering' meaning, what, exactly? i use filters all the time, but i'm not sure that what i'm using isn't in the 'basic' model. i was also using the notification feature quite heavily, but i pared it down recently. hmm.


winterspel September 2 2009, 03:47:28 UTC
This is the part of filtering that is restricted to paid/permanent users ( ... )


anamuan September 2 2009, 03:51:49 UTC
oh! i didn't realize about the comment notification. and thank you for looking up that information for me!! ♥


gingifere September 2 2009, 12:31:25 UTC
KEEP PAID. I like it when you are paid ;)


anamuan September 4 2009, 01:51:13 UTC
roflroflrofl am i your whore then?


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