traisping hither and yon

Aug 15, 2009 09:37

So last night I met stillesprite, her brother (whom i am trying and failing not to call hiro. stillesprite is making a similiar effort, but with slightly more success), corwin, and jonathan (the guy who does my job, but for NGC on some other project). Having collected everyone at the gate in chinatown (which i walked to from metro center), we went to chinatown express ( Read more... )

food, 迷子to iu ka, america, mini!(r-.-)r, quotes without context, bakanakoto, weather, socializing ftw, classy shit

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Comments 4

stillesprite August 15 2009, 18:20:59 UTC
The one downside was how complainy the boys were about how we were walking so farrr blahblah. i guess they weren't really too bad, and not very obvious about it, but i did actively have to ignore their complaints because excuse me, you are grown men. gaman dekinai no? anyway, it was kind of like, two of you have 12 inches on me, and i am carrying a 10 pound purse, + the 20oz water bottle i stuck inside

ditto sistah, ditto!!!!


anamuan August 15 2009, 18:37:37 UTC
LOL well. what can I say. We're obviously more awesome XD


sillyandmorbid August 20 2009, 19:52:59 UTC


anamuan August 20 2009, 21:28:21 UTC


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