hit me

Feb 27, 2009 17:21

I'm really behind on my word-count for the month between moving and having to work all day and the month kind of ends tomorrow. Yikes! Leave me prompts, and I'll see what I can't write you. I'll write JE, and am willing to attempt GW, MERLIN, and J2 (and possibly original stuff, but idk why you'd want to request that ( Read more... )

nikki no baka, commentfic, teh internets > my sanity, pairings i never thought i'd write, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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anamuan February 28 2009, 06:13:41 UTC
The first time Koyama thinks about suicide, really thinks about suicide, not just the idea--'oh, there is a thing called suicide, and it makes killing yourself. That's what the characters that make up the word mean, 'murder' and 'self'--but actually wanting it, wanting to try it, wanting to see if it could take him somewhere better than the dark depressing place he was now, he remembers that PostSecret site Jin had shown him once. Jin hadn't really meant anything by it; he had simply been checking it when Koyama happened past, and they went through the week's postcards together, quickly, before getting back to whatever it was they'd each been doing before. The postcards were almost all in English, and Koyama probably wouldn't have bothered by himself because he didn't care enough to try to read them, but the words were usually short, and Jin provided a quick retelling of each postcard, after explaining, at the beginning what the website was for. You, yes you, every single one of you, send in an anonymous postcard with a secret you'd ( ... )


ginzarhapsody February 28 2009, 13:07:26 UTC


anamuan February 28 2009, 14:23:18 UTC
that was depressing. i crawled back out of bed to write that for you.


ginzarhapsody February 28 2009, 14:37:08 UTC
i did not ask you to crawl out of bed nor did i ask for depressing. :P


anamuan February 28 2009, 14:48:49 UTC
you got it anyway. :Dv


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