it looks just like a postcard (and i can't breathe)

Dec 12, 2008 15:55

i think i use up all my title creativity on subject lines.

making you responsible for your own horrid holiday sweateri want to mix emotions like colors. green smearing to blue to green. redorange and orangered. love smearing to hopepainhappy. of course, that would make reading m(y writing) even harder. XD ( Read more... )

tv, wtf, hoobaloo!!, nikki no baka, music!post!, weather, posts of oblique references, with the random, unproductive is my tokugi

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Comments 14

sillyandmorbid December 12 2008, 22:58:03 UTC
cute senior?


anamuan December 12 2008, 23:07:08 UTC
there keeps being a cute senior at annie's events.


sillyandmorbid December 13 2008, 00:05:45 UTC
what's his name?


anamuan December 13 2008, 01:03:13 UTC
..........i don't remember. but he has one! it was in the program!


helzfyah December 13 2008, 04:16:16 UTC
y'know, that reminds me of the piercing studio that had the word spelt wrong on their door. I was very suspicious of them after that.


anamuan December 13 2008, 06:13:59 UTC
i would not get my body pierced there. from the sign, they aren't even entirely sure what they're doing. or maybe they are, but it's not 'piercing'


saturnianlove December 13 2008, 06:52:28 UTC
Is there a post somewhere with your address?


anamuan December 13 2008, 08:27:55 UTC

if you want it i can pm you?


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