
Dec 09, 2008 19:44

hahaha i have no idea what day it is~ i'll just keep going until i'm sure because i am too lazy to check.
+that Arashi video ununoriginal posted about (ask me if you want links)
+finished job applications
+52 degrees outside~~ (haha, for a day. then we'll drop 25 degrees in 6 hours. how insane)
+7 minute phone calls from sillyandmorbid+my internet ( Read more... )

tv, hoobaloo!!, nikki no baka, i can't believe i wrote this, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, quotes without context, weather, teh internets = my sanity, meme, the jianjian, with the random

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Comments 11

helzfyah December 10 2008, 01:38:02 UTC
lol, i'm looking forward to how ridiculous twilight will be, now i've borrowed it from work.

kljhkjhk - is will smith looking particularly well turned out somewhere?


anamuan December 10 2008, 01:54:02 UTC
i hope you enjoy it greatly! as for me, i continue to do my best to um. read it vicariously only.

He was wearing the most (light) orange sweater I have ever seen on Jay Leno last night. But he had a grey tie on under it and jlkfaejlaeg ~____~ yes. i approve.

also i like your icon. jin looks very happy!


helzfyah December 10 2008, 02:00:47 UTC
i have this inappropriate love for bad fiction as long as it's the kind that gives me giggles from the wtf-ery. I'm hoping that twilight will be the same and if not - i didn't spend a dime on it!

ooooh, that sounds delish *__*

why thank you! i love happy!Jin icons :)


sillyandmorbid December 10 2008, 02:54:58 UTC
you should read my journal--though you can probably skip the rant b/c i told you most of it already--because it has an awesome link to hover over at the end!!



anamuan December 10 2008, 03:24:14 UTC
i shall do that!


dngrslyevl4 December 10 2008, 03:39:41 UTC
arashi video 8D? i must see. links please =D


dngrslyevl4 December 10 2008, 04:06:18 UTC
ahh i love these guys so much. the ideas aiba comes up with never cease to amuse me. thanxxx ♥


anamuan December 10 2008, 04:12:08 UTC
thank ununoriginal really, i laughed so hard.


gingifere December 10 2008, 13:04:11 UTC
Yay on job apps!!! So pleased for you :)


anamuan December 10 2008, 22:17:19 UTC
maaa, finished just means i need to start on other ones.


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