Last day of class (for real this time y/y? ^_^y)

Jul 03, 2008 22:55

Kate made cookies (they were so, so good. She called them 'double whammies' so, butterscotch, choco-chip oatmeal cookies) and another girl brought red wine. As a class we decided that finals would be better if they came with cookies and wine. Because you'd be stocked up if you were at home writing a paper instead ( Read more... )

food, tv, 疲れてるけど, class, food=幸せ, mini!(r-.-)r, quotes without context, dream, wow you suck, the jianjian, unproductive is my tokugi, school

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Comments 6

gingifere July 4 2008, 11:39:30 UTC
Mmm cookies. So jealous *___*

kan ugh I'm sorry the date went bad :( ♥♥


anamuan July 4 2008, 17:13:55 UTC
they were so good! they seemed basically like oatmeal cookies, but with more 'dough' (and maybe a touch less oatmeal) than the ones i'm used to making. And there was butterscotch chips too.

meh. i've got a new classy expensive bar I won't go to but will think about and salivate over as i think about it. That's not too bad.


thawrecka July 4 2008, 12:34:32 UTC
Sorry about your crappy date.


anamuan July 4 2008, 17:15:32 UTC
it's alright. i figure they probably happen. and my baseline is much lower now, so good dates will look better.


partypaprika July 4 2008, 16:04:02 UTC
yikes. blind dating's a pretty mixed bag. But at least it makes a good story to tell. I'm continually amazed by how awkward some people can be, but I think I tend to make things worse whenever I go on dates by my sheer awkwardness X D


anamuan July 4 2008, 17:19:28 UTC
i suppose it could have been worse, right?
don't be awkward! remember, you can always ask them their favourite color. (*not helpful*) idk. generally i like first meetings, because you can talk about whatever and you're not expected to know/remember anything about the person aside from their name (and sometimes not even that). It's the second and third meetings that are awkward, when you're still cementing your ties and by the 4th, i think i've about settled into how i'm going to be with that person and it will either be awkward forever (and i'll start finding ways to cut conversations short) or get much easier.


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