only one more class!!!

Jul 02, 2008 00:28

i am really fecking excited. And i started my paper. I've got a whole sentence. Which i think will not make the final version. XD

anamuan: that's how they grow tough, square-headed soccerplayers

we liked that, walking into the theater, we were just as excited as the rowdy teenyboppers behinds us. We'd just learned not to show it as much.

stillesprite made gyuudon ( Read more... )

food, pimpin', class, food=幸せ, quotes without context, bakanakoto, homework, meme, unproductive is my tokugi

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Comments 23

ginzarhapsody July 2 2008, 05:15:41 UTC

and i already told you this, but that first paragraph? SOLID GOLD LAUGHTER. ♥


anamuan July 2 2008, 05:17:11 UTC
I told you about it already. :P


acchikocchi July 2 2008, 05:58:06 UTC
i am feeling talkative right now so even though i am not new i will fill it out ( ... )


anamuan July 2 2008, 17:40:09 UTC
yay! i love these things. reading them, not filling them out.

3. My family is going to Alaska this summer. I should find out if we are stopping in Anchorage...

7. thank you and i'm sorry.

11. oh, what a nice lyric. ♥

1. oh oh! why do you like stardust? i loved that movie! particularly robert deniro.
2. oo~ books. *grabby hands*


acchikocchi July 3 2008, 02:53:33 UTC
3. O_______O OMG. YES, YES YOU SHOULD. NO ONE EVER COMES UP HERE sdjkaldjskld if you're stopping here get a little time free and I'll take you somewhere nice/fun/pretty. :DDDD Are you coming on a cruise or just by yourselves?

7. ksjaldjsld it's your journal! :o No need for apologies! :D

11. It's a lovely song. :)

1. eee, I thought it was wonderful. :))) I loved the brand of humor and the romance was perfectly attuned to my not-so-hidden-romantic-(but-not-too-over-the-top-please) preferences. That was a lot of hyphens.


anamuan July 3 2008, 04:15:35 UTC
it is a cruise. We are stopping several places, but i didn't talk to my mother today, so i didn't get a chance to ask. BUT I WILL!!

yay! than you!!

hahaha! that's a perfect reason.


sillyandmorbid July 2 2008, 06:22:16 UTC
i did your whole survey meme and then deleted it. ^^;;

i want to hear more about your blind date. please and thank you~


anamuan July 2 2008, 08:09:45 UTC
why did you delete it? how am i going to learn anything about you now????

It wasn't that exciting. You are calling me tomorrow, right? Hey, if you're not working, you can call before 6 if you're free. at 6 i'm meeting dijana, and after that, another blind date. Or you could call around 8:30, 9 I guess, if you're not free before 6.


(The comment has been removed)

anamuan July 2 2008, 17:56:27 UTC
!! you went to the trouble of bolding it! I am so impressed, you get internet cookies! OOOO<- internet cookies.

I work at my mother's nail salon shop, though. But I don't get paid. :\
the burdens of being a good daughter.

6. I like that album a lot, but i don't much like mood rings if i think about it because i think it's kind of sexist. I liked relient k a lot, but their newer music isn't to my taste. I'm also, like much of their christian fanbase, a bit disenchanted with them recently.

7. If i were gone as long as you, i'd probably just start from todayand move forward. XD

You always have something to talk about and I like that! 'Cause I'm horrible at conversation myself.
wouldn't it be better if i had something interesting to say? I've found the trick to conversation (maybe especially if you're just trying to make everything less awkward) is to learn to find questions you can ask to keep the other person. People love to talk about themselves. Get them talking about their interests (preferably one that's somewhat mutually ( ... )


thawrecka July 2 2008, 09:04:58 UTC
I can't imagine what I would recommend to you. My taste is not so tasteful.


anamuan July 2 2008, 17:16:20 UTC
then rec me untasteful things ♥


thawrecka July 2 2008, 20:38:53 UTC
I also don't know what you've seen and read.


anamuan July 2 2008, 20:45:02 UTC
it would probably be a long list by now. just rec something. <33


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