Jun 04, 2008 22:44

i will be sad forever.

tv, commentfic, commentspam gets its own tag now

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Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:11:36 UTC


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP tinyangl June 5 2008, 06:13:19 UTC
*giggles madly* Although, dude, you have to clarify more about this whole best friends thing. want to understand.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP anamuan June 5 2008, 06:15:06 UTC
jin's obviously moving in on maki.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP anamuan June 5 2008, 06:17:45 UTC
oh, damn. got the friends mixed up. i was afraid i was doing that.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP tinyangl June 5 2008, 06:18:27 UTC
he has so many, can't be faulted.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:19:40 UTC
it was a good effort. jin would totally try to move in on maki too. only she'd prefer the N out of anyone in KT. and then YAMAPI WOULD NOT STAND A CHANCE.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP tinyangl June 5 2008, 06:21:25 UTC
your bias is showing.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:24:08 UTC
could be worse. i could've mentioned massu. because COME ON. massuhet. mmmm.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP anamuan June 5 2008, 06:21:36 UTC
the answer to problems like that is always 'threesome!'


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:15:10 UTC
saddd, thought you'd get it. maybe i was too vague.

first. jin. passing information on to rina. and if yamapi has his way, nothing else.

second. toma. who is not as stupid and clearly has good taste and is everyone's favorite junior. also yuu, who has hanakimi status too.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP tinyangl June 5 2008, 06:16:27 UTC
AHAHAHA JIN/RINA. WIN. :DDDD You totally put that in just for me. ilu


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:17:30 UTC


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP anamuan June 5 2008, 06:14:25 UTC
.....can i ask you to marry me again?


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:15:56 UTC
you can but the answer will remain the same! :D



Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP anamuan June 5 2008, 06:17:15 UTC

you know, my wife will get jealous when she sees the semi-colons.


Re: IDK if you care for htis, but i don't know where to put it. Really for cyn, yo. XP cynicalism June 5 2008, 06:18:27 UTC
so will mine, except that she probably wouldn't see them over here and--i've since found out that i married my sister, so that has it's own share of problems i guess. LOL.


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