[Nikki] and the blustery day.

Feb 27, 2008 17:07

i really loved Winnie the Pooh as a child.

little bit of pimping: fanfiction survey. If you have time, please fill it out. mycroftnext brought it to my attention, but looking at the post, I actually know this girl. She's the sweetest thing ever, and her research seems really interesting. Also, feel free to pimp it to your friends; the more people in the more ( Read more... )

疲れてるけど, someone just shoot me kthxbai, to do, what; is this hope?, i am so fucked it's not even funny, food, with the doom!, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, class, hoya saxa, japanese, eigo, lx or bastardizations thereof, food しよう, why aren't you kidding?, ♥ILU FLIST, weather, sleep, homework, with the random, socializing ftw, school

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Comments 27

ginzarhapsody February 27 2008, 22:26:48 UTC
ureshii. i was waiting for your post. *goes to read*


ginzarhapsody February 27 2008, 22:30:19 UTC


anamuan February 27 2008, 22:50:03 UTC
go fill out the survey.

ふんいき → 雰囲気。
ふいんき → 不+陰気

also, i feel very loved. or at least, i feel appropriately distracting :D


ginzarhapsody February 28 2008, 00:09:01 UTC
naruhodo. doesn't fuuinki have a long "u" vowel?


musikologie February 27 2008, 22:27:27 UTC
Pssst, your link to the fanfic survey is broken. XD


anamuan February 27 2008, 22:30:48 UTC

thank you.


tinyangl February 27 2008, 22:45:53 UTC
good luck with all your work dear!!! i totally did that fic survey, although i had to really narrow it down. >.> talk about difficult.

I've been having the worst time talking myself out of bed lately.
i'm having trouble convincing myself to go to classes lately.


anamuan February 27 2008, 22:49:33 UTC
i'm filling out the survey too. And debating whether or not i want my former classmate(s?) to know about my fanfiction preferences. meh, she probably guessed anyway, what with the topic of my paper in that class. people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. (though i do worry a little about whether or not it's ok to rec people without their permission. dou shiyou?)

hahaha. yeah. that too. but the first key step for me is actually, you know. getting out of bed.


tinyangl February 27 2008, 22:52:21 UTC
i think it should be fine, ne? if it's already out in public, there are so many other ways for fic to be found. so really it's a free for all? that's how i figure it anyway.

yeah.... some reason, getting out of bed, and going through those motions are easy. when i get to school though, once i seat myself somewhere comfy (aka behind a computer), i'm under the belief that i should just stay there. who cares about classes where attendance isn't even taken? :\\\ i need to go now actually. stupid advanced calc. i dread this class every day. even days when i don't have it. T.T i think i'm out of my league.


anamuan February 27 2008, 23:18:23 UTC
i hope you're in class now, then, and not reading this at a computer elsewhere (reading it at a computer in class is an entirely different matter)

that's a good point. I'm not so worried about the fic journals especially, since, well, they're fic journals.

You can do it! dekiru ze! shinjiru kara.


rolling_scone February 28 2008, 01:05:50 UTC
I had a collection of Winnie the Pooh. throughout my life I have identified with chubby characters. maybe that's why I like that guy in SuJu who eats all the time. or maybe it's because I find him funny.

I actually tried to fill out that survey, but it wouldn't let me not answer the 'what's your favourite story' thing. and... I don't do ultimate favourites. :/ I'm indecisive that way. and... I don't want to make something have more or lesser worth. :P

sleeping standing on the metro. that... is talent. hokay.


anamuan February 28 2008, 01:14:54 UTC
like, a collection of the program? or?
i liked Kanga and Eeyore, and to some extent piglet, hare, and winnie the pooh. I'm not sure what this is supposed to say with me.

jk;l;jlka;ljkaf I HAD THE ABSOLUTE WORST TIME PICKING OUT 'FAVOURITES' DDDDD: I think you were one of them. i don't do favourites either, really, so it was more like, "If I were trying to suck someone into the fic part of the fandom, what would I give them?" and it was still like lkj;afljk;afl but there are so many possibilities. What about different characters? Writing styles? What about different genres? T__________T

or! it is me being really tired. And i was lucky enough to secure some wall space this morning, or I couldn't have. DC trains are built for taller people, and I can't reach the handrail well.
;_; i just realized i have a doctor appointment friday morning, so i won't get to sleep in. *sigh* life, why so hard?


rolling_scone February 28 2008, 02:55:18 UTC
nah, merchandise :) I had a pen case and toothbrush and underwear and other random things >.>

you like a lot of characters, mainly nice, timid, slightly on the depressed side, but very loyal and grateful to friends, with affection for food (I mean hare here). I think that's a pretty nice description of you... ♥

I think my favourite nowadays is the... okay, idk the name in English. 'Sorken'; the grey thing that digs tunnels. so sarcastic and funny. and I love the Swedish voice. X)))

I CAN'T DECIDE ON THINGS LIKE THAT. NOT ANYMORE. HOMG, REALLY? :DDDDD and... it would depend on the person, really. I would try to make them read fics that I think they would enjoy rather than a general 'I think this is awesome' collection. :P so... more personalized. well, and that the 'this is awesome' collection would be huge. D:

why sleep when one can go through life as a zombie? <--that might sound sarcastic, but it's really not, because that's how I live ( ... )


anamuan February 28 2008, 03:25:05 UTC
;jaf;jfa so cute! i want a winnie the pooh pencil case. i would use it every day.
had? so not anymore ;_;

you like a lot of characters, mainly nice, timid, slightly on the depressed side, but very loyal and grateful to friends, with affection for food (I mean hare here). I think that's a pretty nice description of you... ♥
personality analysis through cartoon characters ♥ I've yet to decide whether or not I like this too-accurate assessment. :\

ljafj;lkafjl; GOPHER!! he always whistled when he talked in the english version. and popped out at the randomest times XD

I KNOW, RIGHT? If I have some idea about what the person would like, then I try to give them things they would enjoy. Otherwise it's just as likely to get them out of fic for good, than to get them in. But if it's just a general request for something i liked j;la;jlfa i don't know. I hated picking three. yes, really :DDDDDDD
!!!! If i were smarter, I would have given links to that huge rec list lelola has ( ... )


mycroftnext February 28 2008, 04:31:48 UTC
Hi there. Up for a bit of a chat, or does paper-writing get in the way?


anamuan February 28 2008, 04:50:41 UTC
Unfortunately, tonight paper takes precedence (in terms of time, if not my heart). I almost didn't see this, even, because for once I am not logged into either lj or yahoo (and haven't been since i finished dinner around 5:40. surprised? i know i am). But i thought that i would hit up the journal since I'm taking a break to shower, and jlk;afj;laf i have plans of not sleeping till this gets done, rather than putting it off till tomorrow morning. always teh best course of action with me. But i may have a decent thesis (hopefully of the sort she's looking for. stupid, unclear directions), and 3 pages of single space notes about what i want to say, and it's only supposed to be 5 pages long, so. maybe an hour or two. any kind thoughts you can send my way will be appreciated. if i finish earlier than expected, is there a possibility that you'll still be around? i figure, shower done by 12:10, given the time now, and then maybe paper done by 1, 1:30 my time. i could stay up till 2 and still get enough sleep for tomorrow. dou? muri darou. I ( ... )


mycroftnext February 28 2008, 05:07:57 UTC
Sadly, I probably won't be around then. I'm trying to get on a better sleeping schedule, so I'm going to try and go to bed really soon. I'm sorry! :(

Good luck and good wishes on your paper. Remember, you're an incredibly intelligent person; this will be no problem for you. ♥ for you! :Dv

So, do you have an opinion on if I should link to fics I technically have not read in their entirety? I'm thinking no.

I may have begun writing a little ficbit regarding Thursday Next that this survey made me remember. It attacked me!


anamuan February 28 2008, 05:16:52 UTC
ahahaha to thursday next fic attacking you.

Actually, i don't see any problem with linking to fic you haven't read in their entirety. Why do you?


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