20 icons + 28 alternates. (Includes: Firefly, Lost, Prison Break..)
Icon #11 was inspired by
this icon by @john_scorpy. Many textures used are from @raiindust. Icons made for @inspired20in20's round 35. Trigger warning for two of these for death scenes. + For some reason my journal has made random spaces appear between lines that don't belong.. Not sure what that's all about, but sorry.
Sometimes I found mixtures of interpretive and technical as I made them. For example, Annie's icon is based on my interpretation of the trope 'Too Quirky To Lose' but also applies to the technical challenges 'Friendless Background' and 'Crop Circles.' I put the ones that accidentally apply in the brackets. Same goes for technical, e.g. icon #11 uses feature blocking but also is a scene where the trope takes place. In this instance I will put 'x2' in the brackets.
Comment if you take any, credit if/when you use!
Bold Explorer | Ghost City (Wall of Text, Friendless Background) | Too Quirky To Lose (Friendless Background, Crop Circles) | Lady In Red (Friendless Background) | Fashion Show
#1 - Commander Shepard from Mass Effect 3. Is the commander of a ship that flies through space exploring planets and through every possible unique play-through is bold, strong and a natural leader. Her story isn't dominated by discovery of land but it still fits Bold Explorer.
#2 - Benjamin Linus + the corresponding scene from Lost. This scene in 'The Man Behind The Curtain' is the epitome of the Ghost City trope. Ben unleashes toxic gas that kills the entire town and leaves them all lying on the floor and dead instantly as he alone watches on. The text on the icon and the fact I used a fake background made those two technical tropes, Wall of Text and Friendless Background, apply too.
#3 - Annie Edison from Community. The cap is taken from the episode 'Debate 109', where she competes in a competition using her sheer determination, weirdness and spontaneity to win. Making her Too Quirky To Lose. As I used a fake background and there is a circular image, this also applies to the technical sides of Friendless Background and Crop Circles.
#4 - Inara Serra from Firefly. She is tied with sexuality, always wears red/orange/browns and is very elegant which makes her the perfect Lady In Red. As I used a fake background this also applies to the technical side of Friendless Background (again.)
Beneath The Mask (Darker And Edgier) | Bad To The Bone (Neat Freak) | Femme Fatale (Friendless Background) | Odd Couple | Nerd Glasses (Neat Freak, Sherlock Scan)
#6 - Theodore Bagwell from Prison Break. He comes across as very charismatic and likeable but behind that mask he is ultimately a serial rapist and murderer. As I used grunge textures this is Darker And Edgier.
#7 - Mindy Macready + corresponding scene from Kick-Ass. In the scene where I took the cap there was a slow build up to the song 'Bad Reputation' before she killed every last guy in the room. While she's not an evil character, this scene is Bad To The Bone in the classic action movie way as the trope is just for the music. As the icon is clean and simple this is Neat Freak.
#8 - Saffron from Firefly. In two different episodes she manages to kill, steal, etc using her femininity and seductive nature. She pretty much dedicates her life to getting men to fall for her and then taking what she wants. And as I've said a million times, fake background, so Friendless Background. I really use too many of these lol
#9 - Temperance and Seeley from Bones. They are polar opposites; she's a logical minded scientist and he's a people-person detective. Aka Odd Couple.
#10 - Cosima Niehaus from Orphan Black. Always wears glasses and is both a scientist and the designated nerd of the group. Because it's clean and simple, Neat Freak; because I focus on the glasses or pink parts, Sherlock Scan.
TECHNICAL (#11-15)
Divide and Conquer (x2) | Wall of Text (x2) | Darker and Edgier (Casting a Shadow) | Camera Spoofing (x2, Crop Circles) | Friendless Background (x2, Neat Freak)
#11 - The final scene in 'Two For The Road' in Lost. Not only did I use the technical side of it, I also used a scene that was an example/interpretation of the trope. Michael has been sent by the Others to fulfil a task of letting Ben free and retrieving four people. Instead of doing it themselves, they send just Michael, aka Divide and Conquer.
#12 - Michael Scofield + corresponding scene in Prison Break. In this opening to season four of the show, we hear a long paragraph of what is his letter if anything is to happen to him. Starting with the words that are on the icon. As it was very long it fits the Wall of Text trope interpretively as well as technically for my icon.
#13 - Kate Beckett from Castle. From "The Belly In The Beast" where she is taken to a graveyard and told she will be killed, but instead an assassin comes out of nowhere and kills the man for her. This partly fits the interpretation of the trope but not completely as even though that episode was oddly dark for Castle it wasn't the complete change that the trope refers to as the episode after was back to being light. So no x2.
#14 - Michael Scofield + corresponding scene in Prison Break. Episode is 'English, Fitz or Percy' where Michael has to avoid the lights as he travels onto the roof of the prison to gauge which road will be his escape route. Not exactly cameras, but I think it counts as Camera Spoofing. As I use a circular crop in the icon, it's also the technical part of Crop Circles.
#15 - Brienne of Tarth from ASoIaF/GoT. As she grew up, and even in current canon, she has no friends at all and finds it hard to make them so fits the trope really well. So this icon is both the technical side of it and the interpreted side.
TECHNICAL (#16-20)
Sherlock Scan | Crop Circles | Casting a Shadow | Neat Freak (x2) | Field Trip To The Past (x2)
#16 - Charlie Pace from Lost. Doesn't apply to trope in interpreted scene. The feature crop makes it relevant to the technical side though.
#17 - Sawyer and John from Lost. Like the above, the literal trope doesn't apply to the scene but the use of the circle crop makes it work for the technical side.
#18 - Michael Scofield from Prison Break again. No real meaning in the scene for this trope as I couldn't think of a story featuring shadow like superpowers that I have enjoyed. But I thought the shot fit very well as the natural light was light vs dark.
#19 - Michael Scofield from Prison Break. The shot was so clean and gorgeous that I had to use it for this one. This trope directly relates to his character as while he is not usually bothered by dirtiness he is a perfectionist. His plans are co-ordinated to the point, his clothes are always well fitted and his mind works like clockwork.
#20 - 'The Little Prince' episode from Lost. Jin, not on his own accord, travels back in time and meets the french team. Through this the main characters and the viewers learn more about various things - the source to Danielle's insanity, what really happened with Alex, information on the sickness, etc. Therefore I think it counts for this trope. I tried to include the colours from the suggested palettes and make the icon seem vintage-y with the Sail font. (Which I clearly love more than I should. Active restraint to not but text on every icon with this font.)