Thanks For The Likes, But --

Nov 15, 2016 17:54

-- this is the email notification I've gotten a few times about a few entries ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

free_of_whip November 16 2016, 05:01:24 UTC
Hmm... I can see that old_cutter_john was the one who liked this entry. You just mouse over the number of people who liked it, and it will tell you who they are.


anais_pf November 16 2016, 12:46:29 UTC
Huh. I can't even see a number-of-people-who-liked-it indication anywhere. That's really special of LJ to make that invisible to me but not to other people reading my LJ.

I just tried making this entry public and then logging out -- I can see a little heart at the bottom of all my entries but I still can't mouse over it to see who liked the entry.


musicman November 16 2016, 13:27:45 UTC
I've never paid attention to the little hearts. I didn't even know I could "like" an LJ post. News to me.


anais_pf November 16 2016, 18:25:36 UTC
It's new this month.


cah1470 November 16 2016, 15:36:15 UTC
I didn't realize you could like a post. I am not sure if I like the idea of that on LJ. I think one Facebook is enough.


anais_pf November 16 2016, 18:26:00 UTC
It's a new thing this month. I definitely don't like it.


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