The most depressing thing I've read recently was that the leak may be unstoppable, that we're looking at total bleedout, tens of millions of barrels-worth.
Are people even paying attention to this in the rest of the country? It sure doesn't look like it on the teevee news. It's like now that there aren't any cool visuals of "top hats" or underwater robotics, and not nearly enough film of oily birds and beaches (BP has been very effective at denying access to the site; I still don't understand this. Why does a British company's private security get to deny American's access to their own coast?) the networks have kind of lost interest.
I don't know . . . there has been some continuing coverage in my neck of the woods and of course I, personally, am interested. The thing is, I don't watch TV news, much. I get most of my news online and there has been coverage in the past few days of the "possibly unstoppable" aspect, the BP president going to some yacht race in the U.K., and the hearings in Congress. There have also been photos of various marine animals who are endangered, stories about turtles being burned instead of saved, and stories about dolphins swimming much closer to land than they ordinarily do. I think people DO care in the rest of the country, but it seems like there isn't much we can do about it.
If it's unstoppable, shouldn't they be making it into a pipeline or something? I know that's incredibly naive and maybe they can't do it, but shouldn't they be trying to CHANNEL the stuff?
Comments 2
Are people even paying attention to this in the rest of the country? It sure doesn't look like it on the teevee news. It's like now that there aren't any cool visuals of "top hats" or underwater robotics, and not nearly enough film of oily birds and beaches (BP has been very effective at denying access to the site; I still don't understand this. Why does a British company's private security get to deny American's access to their own coast?) the networks have kind of lost interest.
If it's unstoppable, shouldn't they be making it into a pipeline or something? I know that's incredibly naive and maybe they can't do it, but shouldn't they be trying to CHANNEL the stuff?
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