1. Be respectful of your fellow players. Don't attack people, exclude people, or pester people for tags. If you have a problem with another player, either approach them maturely and responsibly, or if you feel you are too angry to do deal with the problem in a calm fashion, have a word with one of the mods and ask them to intervene on your behalf.
1a. Respect the difference between IC and OOC. If someone's character is bothering yours IC, please do not take it personally. If it is making it difficult for you to play, either ask the player politely to ease up a bit, or talk to the mods.
1b. Respect other characters. Everyone has their favourites and least-favourites from canon, but we will not tolerate bashing characters, pairings, or actors on this community either in-game or on the OOC forum.
1c. No godmodeing. Do we really have to say this?
2. Play in-character. While there will always be discussion and debate about what is and isn't in-character, try to play as close to the canon version of your character as possible. The in-game anachronisms is not an excuse to make the character completely AU!
3. Anachronisms are your friend. A full list of what anachronisms are and aren't acceptable within the game can be found
here, in the FAQ.
4. At the moment, we have a limit of one character per player. This is to ensure that there won't be any huge holes in the cast if someone has to hiatus or is unavailable for a brief period. If someone requires a "minor" character (i.e., a character virtually unplayable in the game, not just a character not currently active, e.g. Mordred's Druid caretaker from The Beginning Of The End versus Mordred himself) for a plot they wish to run, this character can be made available by the use of an NPC account operated by another willing player.
5. Remember: everyone is the main character of their own lives. It is entirely possible and thoroughly encouraged to pick up more minor characters (Leon, Owain, Myror, etc.) and flesh them out into people with rich characterization, interesting pasts, and who develop lots of character great relationships in the game. So long as you don't ignore/contradict the information given in canon while doing so, your character will be welcomed into the game.