Title: Fairly Slashy - Part 8 (of 9)
Fandom: Fairly Legal
Pairing: Kate Reed/Lauren Reed
Rating: M.. but more for the past stuff than the future..
Spoilers: References to season 2 eps 1, 3, and 5.
Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, otherwise not-actual-incest would be a definite future for Fairly Legal..
A/N: Thank you to my lovely live-in beta (i.e. wife)
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Comments 4
Kate is suppose to karate-chop them!!!
Ah well, now I hope Lauren does the karate-chopping. Love the banter between them two, and I hope to the femslash goddess you aren't going on the angsty route. There is only so much angst my fragile heart can take.
Can't wait for the finale!!
Glad you're enjoying the banter (A major part of the fun!) and thank you for commenting. Happy to hear you're enjoying it (not that 'enjoying' is really the right word..)
Part 9 is up now.... *bites nails nervously*
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