Title: Passage Genre: Gen, Crew (post-movie) Rating: PG Words: 3200 Summary: It's bad business when a world tries to spit people out. Notes: This is for _beetle_ for Serenity Santa - Happy Holidays! Many thanks to lunabee34 for beta!
Ugh, this is amazing. Your brain works in brilliant ways. This makes the universe feel so huge and really deftly, realistically taps into the whole wild west/pioneer spirit that is what really draws me to Firefly. Also I love Ms. Reynolds, lkfjsdlkg.
I love how you intertwine both universes in this one and keep us guessing to the end of each snippet which ancestor you're writing about. Also? Yay, Zoe, for bringing the dog along! I'm sure Mal will get over it. ;)
Comments 42
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Also I love Ms. Reynolds, lkfjsdlkg
She has no time for government lackey bullshit! *g*
I love how you intertwine both universes in this one and keep us guessing to the end of each snippet which ancestor you're writing about. Also? Yay, Zoe, for bringing the dog along! I'm sure Mal will get over it. ;)
Yay, Zoe, for bringing the dog along!
No one with a heart could leave the dog behind! I'm sure that Mall will get over it after bitching for a space. Also, he'll probably call it Dusty.
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