Title: One Yu Bun Duh Planet
Characters: Helo (BSG) and Jayne (Firefly)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1400ish
Summary: Jayne hates this stupid planet and its stupid gorram robots.
Notes: So, I asked
valiant her dream crossover pairing, and then she asked mine. I said Jayne/Helo/apocalypse, and she said, "Jayne killing Cylons while smoking a cigar." And then my
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Comments 112
I think I love you! This is frakking fantastic! I love Jayne's thoughts on the cylons and Helo. And the way Helo responds to him! *squee*
Helo frowns at him. "Have you ever heard of stealth? Tactics?"
Sure. Jayne's heard of them. Don't mean they're friends or nothing.
That is just so perfect! As is the last line. :D
Oh and now I'm having crazy thoughts of River meeting Cylons and fighting with Six! Alongside Starbuck! *brain implodes*
Hah. Can you imagine River seeing Six in Baltar's head? And Baltar wigging out when he realised that she was talking to Six and not him?
“Wha-what are you doing? Who are you?!” Gaius moved quickly away from the strange girl in front of him. There was something about her eyes that bothered him, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“Do you think she’s pretty, Gaius?” She was there again, behind him, hands running over his shoulders.
“No, he thinks I’m crazy,” the girl with the long brown hair and wild eyes said. “Crazier than he is even.”
Gaius blinked. It wasn’t possible. Only he could see her. Only he could hear her. “Wh…who, who are you talking to? You cannot possibly…”
River laughed, a sharp tinkle of laugher that was more than a little unsettling, “I’m here to save you, Doctor.”
Gaius honestly thought he had finally gone completely insane when the girl’s first kick slammed her against the wall.
I laughed almost the entire way through this, and I kept copy/pasting so I could point out great lines, but then I ended c/ping half the freakin' fic. Seriously, as soon as I stop laughing I'm going to reread it. Right now, dying. This truly is the crossover pairing OTP.
Awesome! Because I was laughing a whole lot while I was writing it. And it made me remember how much I love writing Jayne POV (not that I'd really forgotten - it just is so much fun ever single time).
Now if only I'd been able to figure out how to get them having sex. I figure maybe that happens back on Galactica. Everyone's saying, "Helo. Where did you get this ape?" And Helo is all, "He and Vera saved my life!" And that makes Jayne get all misty-eyed (also, he's drunk). So they have sex. The end.
Thanks for giving me the mental image of Jayne shooting cylons all nonchalant!
Jayne loves grenades.
That just says it all, don't it?
Thanks :D
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