Periodic Challenge - Dana Scully/Olivia Dunham (X-files/Fringe)

Feb 18, 2009 07:44

I've made this my masterlist of sorts for the femslash100 periodic table challenge (i loved the table idea but it became impractical)...

Fandom: X-files/Fringe
Pairing: Dana Scully/Olivia Dunham
Rating: It's arcy so G to NC-17
Summary: Dana Scully and Olivia Dunham have an intense history neither wants to revisit, but when Broyles calls Scully in for help with the newest Pattern case both agents have to bury the hatchet.  Yet that proves to have its own side effect...

Prompt: Hydrogen (1)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: G (although, since it is an arc, NC-17 eventually)
Word count: 111

I felt lightheaded. Walter was reciting the properties of Hydrogen under his breath, "colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, flammable," but I was focused on not sounding unpleasantly surprised. It was ridiculous to think we'd never cross paths again but it was something I had somehow assured myself could never be, even when she came back to the FBI from Quantico. Washington D.C. was still four hours from Boston. Which seemed so close now. "…is on loan to us from Washington because she has some experience with cases similar to the pattern…" Broyles went on but I didn't hear anything more, just her name ringing in my ears in Broyles's voice. Dana Scully.

Prompt: Helium (2)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully, Scully/Mulder
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 125
A/N: "An unknown yellow spectral line signature in light was first observed from a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Pierre Janssen who is jointly credited with the discovery of the element with Norman Lockyer who observed the same eclipse and was the first to propose this was a new element which he named helium." (Wiki)
When Mulder invited me over to watch the solar eclipse I knew exactly how the night would go. While we could never be together we were both lonely apart and although I knew I should refuse, part of me could never say no to him, even after all these years. I sighed into the receiver, after the assignment I had just been convinced to take Mulder's companionship would be a welcome relief. Easy in relation to the storm I knew I was approaching.

Wine, the eclipse and the darkness of the night inevitably lead to our desperate connection. And while I relished the release it provided, it couldn't erase the mad thoughts in my head of a name I never thought I'd hear again. Dunham.

Prompt: Lithium (3)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
A/N: "Like all alkali metals, lithium is highly reactive, corroding quickly" (Wiki)

Olivia sat on her couch remembering the younger version of herself: hardened but brittle, stubborn and quick to anger. Dr Scully was well versed in these failings both as her teacher and, briefly, her superior. Olivia's partner died during that short time and Scully had gotten the brunt of Olivia's anger, even though that anger was merely guilt directed externally. Despite the her own self knowledge of this, and the years that had passed, the very mention of Dr Scully brought up those same overwhelming feelings of helplessness and inadequacy, reminding her endlessly of the immature woman she had been.

Prompt: Beryllium (4)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
A/N: "It is primarily used as a hardening agent .." (Wiki)

It was not as if there was something wrong with Olivia Dunhum as an agent. Scully knew full well that her skills were far beyond adequate but her stubbornness had proven fatal. In a way it was the stubbornness that all women in this profession required in order to survive, but with Olivia that stubbornness had a reckless edge. Danny had died. Scully had tried to put the past behind her but she still could not quell the image of tear streaked Olivia livid because she had not supported Olivia's op. Or the blue shade of Danny's body when she saw it in the morgue. It was the only time she had cried in a morgue. It was not as if they had been serious but he had cared about her and she had stood by as he was gunned down.

Olivia never looked the same after that day, her posture was just a little more determined, her eyes held less innocence and more fire. For an agent this fire was essential, but Scully was sad to see the innocence go. Sad for her part in it and concerned for what that past action would mean for her current case.

Title: And Scully Makes 5 (or 6)
Prompt: Boron (5)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 131 (which ads up to 5)
A/N: "Boron is never found as a free element on Earth." (Wiki)

Olivia walked into the lab to find Scully already there talking to Peter and Astrid.

"Good Morning" she said to everyone, but her eyes fell on the new arrival, "Nice to see you again," she added with obvious difficulty.

"You've done well for yourself," Scully replied with hesitant amiability, spreading her arms to encompass Walter's lab, "a classified project of your own, you should be proud."

"I am," Olivia said swallowing the lump in her throat.

Peter looked at Olivia intently, trying to figure out what was between these women to create such tension in the room, palpable just beyond the niceties.

"So where is Walter?" Olivia asked, anxious to change the subject.

"With Gene," Peter replied.

"Who is Gene?" Scully asked.

Peter, Olivia and Astrid replied in unison, "The cow."

Prompt: Carbon (6)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 222 (6)

"Frederick Jones" Olivia announced as the body was wheeled into the lab, "what we need to know is how this man died." She turned to Scully, "We could use your medical expertise."

Scully initially bristled at the request but then she saw the hesitance in Olivia's eyes and nodded in acquiescence.

"Thank you," Olivia said nodding, "Walter will help you. Peter and I are going to speak to the girlfriend, we'll be back soon."

Dressed in scrubs, dictaphone ready, Scully took three small pod-like projectiles from the neck of the victim and placed them in a dish. Walter thanked her excitedly and took them over to his microscope. Scully continued to review the victim in the peaceful silence of the room, her mind wandering as she let herself fall into routine.

She was about to open him up when Walter announced "Carbon," with unexpected enthusiasm.

She nearly dropped the knife but was able to calm herself without giving away the unnecessary fright it had caused. She pulled down her mask and asked what he had found.

"Carbon" he said again. "The pods are based in carbon," he continued with a determined smile, "plant life to be exact."

Scully mused for a moment, "Thank you Walter. Let me know if you find anything else interesting."

Walter nodded and went back to his microscope.

Prompt: Nitrogen (7)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 175
A/N: Nitrogen makes up 78% of the earth's atmosphere. (Wiki)

Olivia took a deep breath, readjusting her hands on the steering wheel and looking straight ahead. She and Peter were on their way to question the girlfriend of the latest victim. While working with Scully was not going as badly as she had assumed, it still left her feeling somehow off and tense. She took another deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked.

She looked at him briefly, trying to smile before refocusing on the road before her. "I'm fine," she finally replied.

Peter rolled his eyes, "What happened between you and Agent Scully?"

She looked back at him warily, "Is it that obvious then?"

"Only when you two are in the same room," Peter half joked.

"It was a long time ago Peter and I'm not sure I can talk about it," Olivia replied, trying not to sound like she was brushing him off.

"Ok, but you should talk to her. Don't say no just think about it," Peter stated before Olivia had a chance to respond.

Olivia nodded noncommittally, taking another deep breath.

Prompt: Oxygen (8)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 215 (8)

Scully was snapping off her gloves when Olivia returned. Olivia surveyed the neat autopsy stitches and turned to Scully. Scully picked up some pictures from the desk behind her and handed them to Olivia. Olivia took the pictures, brushing against Scully's hand accidentally. It was only a moment but somehow the moment was magnified by the slight tingling the touch created. Olivia looked up and their eyes met.

"There was a plant inside him," Scully quickly announced to break the increased tension, "It had attached itself to the aorta, feeing off the oxygen. It eventually grew and constricted both blood and oxygen flow, essentially giving him a heart attack."

"And these pods in his neck?" Olivia asked feeling for a moment lightheaded, as if one such plant was cutting off her oxygen.

"The plant surfacing when the oxygen supply diminished elsewhere," Scully surmised.

Silence fell as Olivia looked at the pictures in detail. Scully stood beside her, looking at the pictures she had taken, eyes distracted by a blonde strand edging her view.

Steps were heard and Peter came in to view. He looked over Olivia's shoulder at the pictures.

"Killer plants. Just another day at the office I see," he said before looking at Olivia meaningfully and leaving the two to speak to Astrid.

Prompt: Fluorine (9)
Fandom: Fringe/X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
A/N: "Elemental fluorine is the most chemically reactive… of all the elements."(Wiki)

"Can I talk to you when you're done?" Olivia asked.
Peter yawned, "We should be getting home Walter"
"Walter?" he repeated.
Peter turned around to see Walter asleep at his desk.
"Narcolepsy. Fun." He said before waking his father up enough to move and ambling with him out of the lab.

Scully put the last of the equipment away, washed her hands and joined Olivia in the main part of the lab.

The silence brewed for a few moments, Olivia fighting to find her words, when she finally burst out with "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blame you the way I did back then and I'm sorry."
"Ok," Scully replied meeting Olivia's eyes purposefully and looking at them as if testing herself somehow.

"Ok?" Olivia inquired, tone rising in anger.

Scully smiled at the memories of that tone and those eyes and her smile turned into laughter despite Scully's attempt to stop it. Olivia anger decreased as it was infected by Scully's laughter.

"Well I guess that will have to do for now," she said half repressing a smile.

Scully nodded extending her hand. Olivia extended her own hand and slid it into Scully's grasp. It was warm and the contact was oddly comforting after all these years of disconcerting memory. A reminder that they had, at one point, been friends. Olivia smiled genuinely and Scully followed suit as they both slowly slid their hands from the other's grasp as if lingering in the mutual (although half wordless) forgiveness.

Prompt: Neon (10)
Fandon: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13 (but, as I said, NC-17 eventually is the plan)
Word count: 109 (=10)

Scully was lost in thought as she passed the bright neon lights that flooded the shady area of Boston between Walter's lab and her hotel.  As much as she wanted to forgive Olivia, did forgive her, she found herself unable to utter the words that would allow it.  But why? If she was honest with herself she had mourned Danny and moved on long ago, fully aware that she herself was in part culpable.  So why maintain this distance?  There was something lingering beneath the surface of her thoughts and it churned her stomach for a moment before intangible reflexes suppressed it, allowing her to drive on it peace.

Prompt: Sodium (11)
Fandon: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count: 150

Olivia dusted salt over the chunky fries she had bought from the seafood restaurant around the corner and then was caught absently staring at the salt crystals through the glass dispenser.  Each crystal individual but all connected, one follows the other to oblivion. People were like that, attached by invisible threads to all around them, effected by the smallest action of the person beside them.

She thought about Scully's seemingly careless 'Ok,' to her offer of forgiveness.  In the moment, the fact that Scully was still holding a grudge when she was willing to end it had angered her, but the smile and laughter confused the point.  It seemed that Scully had forgiven her long ago but was unable to voice it for some reason.  And that silence made Olivia more concerned about the invisible thread that connected her and Scully and where that thread would bring both of them…

Prompt: Magnesium (12)
Fandon: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:   250
A/N: " Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish, being able to burn in both nitrogen (forming magnesium nitride), and carbon dioxide (forming magnesium oxide and carbon). On burning in air, magnesium produces a brilliant white light. [...] It tarnishes slightly when exposed to air, although unlike the alkaline metals, storage in an oxygen-free environment is unnecessary because magnesium is protected by a thin layer of oxide which is fairly impermeable and hard to remove." (Wiki)

Olivia walked into the lab the next day, nodding with a half smile to Scully, "Good morning everyone," she said heading past Scully and Peter, poured over files on the deceased, and to Walter and the 'plant.'

"Find anything yet?" Olivia asked.

"Turn around," Walter said without looking up.

"What?" Olivia replied.

"Just do it," said Peter from across the room without turning around.

She did and saw a bright flash in the edges of her vision, feeling heat at her back.

"Magnesium powder," Walter said when he had finished, turning around to face her and pulling off his goggles, "burns hotter and faster that way."

Olivia turned around and saw the thin chared line on the quarter sized plant pod taken from Jones's neck.

"And you couldn't use a knife why?" Olivia asked.

"Hardened exoskeleton," Scully said coming over, "It seems to have done it overnight."

Olivia nodded, her mouth pursed in a line.  "Can you still analyze it?" she asked Walter.

"I will do what I can," Walter said putting his goggles on again before taking them off, “Oh, I don’t need these now.”

"In the mean time, Peter and I found something," Scully said leading Olivia back to the desk they had been working at.

Peter handed Olivia a stack of papers, "Mr Jones, or should I say Dr Jones, worked on terraforming plants,"

"plants that dig for oxygen," Scully added.

"This was funded, in part, by..." Peter raised his eyebrows, “guess who?”

"...Massive Dynamic," Olivia completed.

Prompt: Aluminum (13)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count:   250

"Welcome Agent Dunham..." Nina began but broke off when she spotted Scully.  "Who is this?" she asked in feigned polite surprise.

"Nina Sharp this is Agent Dana Scully, on hand from the Washington Bureau" Olivia introduced.

Scully extended her hand. Nina began to extend her arm but her hand seemed to seize up.  She took off her glove and, to Scully's surprise the skin beneath, to reveal an intricately formed aluminum hand.  Nina pressed a hidden button and replaced her glove without trying to resume the handshake, instead gesturing for them to take a seat at her desk.  Scully looked at Olivia who raised her eyebrows helplessly as they both sat.

Scully soon realized that, as polite as she seemed, Nina was ignoring her presence entirely.  Even when Olivia purposely included Scully in the conversation Nina would reply to and look only at Olivia.

Scully sat patiently, analyzing Ms Sharp.  She was obviously used to getting her own way but beyond that Scully felt a defensiveness, one that seemed oddly directed at her.

"You know I would do anything for you Agent Dunham, but that is all I know," Nina said effectively ending the conversation.

"Thank you Ms Sharp," Olivia said with attentive politeness.

Scully got up and turned to follow Olivia out of the room.

"Nice to meet you Agent Scully," Nina said sharply remaining in her seat.

"You as well Ms Sharp," she replied.  "And thank you for your help," she added with a light touch of sarcasm.

Prompt: Silicon (14)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:   200
A/N: "In the form of silica and silicates, silicon forms useful glasses..." (Wiki)

"I'm sorry about that" Olivia said as they exited the building, " I should have warned you about Ms. Sharp's eccentricities."

"Or that she is enamored with you?", Scully reflexively commented, hesitating once the words left her mouth. "Sorry, not my place," she added in an attempt to ignore what she realized was a dangerous path.

Olivia looked at her, shocked into momentary silence and Scully could see her reviewing all the facts in a new light.

"Really?" Olivia asked.

Scully sighed. "Of course really.  You are a beautiful woman who has earned her respect through your obvious dedication, something she clearly values, and business or no I think she truly enjoys your brief company." Scully said coloring a bit.

She had avoided speaking about the defensiveness that betrayed Nina to her but, in avoiding it, she realized most of what she was saying could easily pertain to herself.  As much as she had been used to thinking of Olivia with anger and fear, this new alliance was reminding her that something had always drawn her to the young agent, something their former teacher student relationship made easy to ignore.  Something their current partnership was making all the more visible...

Prompt: Phosphorus (15)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:   150
A/N:"Phosphorus is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids which form all cell membranes."  Wiki

They drove back to the lab in silence, Olivia trying to go over what Nina had told her but instead being mentally sidetracked by Scully's words.  What she had surmised had clicked a lot of pieces into place - like why Ms Sharp always helped her - but Scully seemed somewhat embarrassed to be relating the information.  There was something big Olivia was missing.

The phone rang interrupting her thoughts, it was Peter.

"What do you have for me Peter?" Olivia asked.

Scully could hear the voice over the phone but was unable to make out the words.  Olivia's short replies were not helping her contextualize.

"What is it?" Scully asked when she had hung up.

"The plant had DNA in it, Dr Jones's DNA.  It was genetically engineered to kill him"  Olivia replied, never taking her eyes off the road.

"So much for the accidental death scenario," Scully commented.

Prompt: Sulfur (16)
Fandon: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:   230

"Something smells wrong," Olivia said as she and Scully walked back into the lab.

"I'm sorry," Walter said, "We got take out, the chinese didn't agree with me."

"She's not taking about that Walter," Peter said, patting his father once on the back and while briefly pulling a face at Olivia who smiled briefly.

"Where are the statements taken from the scene?" Scully asked, “we should review them again to see what we’re missing.”

"Right here," said Astrid coming out with them from the back room and handing them to Scully.

"Good, thank you," Scully said taking the handful of papers.

Astrid nodded demurely and walked back to her own investigations.

Scully followed Olivia to an empty room and helped her pull the uncomfortable wooden chairs to the same side of the rectangular table.

As they sifted through what information they had, Olivia found herself distracted by her partner's proximity without knowing why.  Charlie had been this close, Peter had occasionally as well but the air had never radiated so intensely with either of them.  It was a disconcerting awkwardness not born from anger and Olivia could not fathom its source.

"I think we need to call it a night," Scully said as if reading Olivia's inability to concentrate.  Olivia nodded, yawning.

"See you in the morning," she said rising.

Olivia nodded and watched as Scully quickly exited the room.

Prompt: Chlorine (17)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:   200
A/N: "Chlorine is a powerful oxidant and is used in bleaching and disinfectants." Wiki

Once in the car Scully rolled down the windows but not even the cold breeze could bleach the millions of little distractions from her mind.  The light brush of Olivia's hand as they passed papers, the sight of her tucking a stray hair behind her ears, absorbed in her work, the way she bit her lip when reading a gruesome detail.  And as these recent distractions ran through her head, old ones surfaced from the blank slate she thought she’d formed all those years ago.  Particularly the way she used to smile.  It didn't matter how serious Olivia was about any particular thing, a smile would sneak through, it was something Scully knew Olivia had consciously tried to stop.  It was something that had ended of its own accord.   And again Scully wished there was some way to wipe away the past, if only for a moment, if only to make Olivia smile like she used to…

She pushed the thought away and it formed a lump in her heart, she was becoming a liability to this case and she had to find some way to wipe out these thoughts before they caused a bigger problem for both of them.

Prompt: Argon (18)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count:   135 (3+5=8)
A/N: "Argon's full outer shell makes it stable and resistant to bonding with other elements." (Wiki)

Olivia came out of the back room to find Peter and Astrid seated in front of Gene's stall watching Walter give him a thick mohawk.

Peter looked over to her when she approached, "the exciting evenings of the FBI-employed covert agency," Peter said sarcastically.

"It almost looks Greek now," Walter said, "I should rename him Argos!"

Astrid turned around, "Did you and Agent Scully find anything?"

"Not sure yet," Olivia replied, "although I'm worried about her, did she seem off to you?"

"A bit squirrel-y," Peter said, "she ran off a bit fast,"

"I think I'm going to go see her," Olivia said, "what room number is she in?"

"18," Astrid said without hesitation, quickly turning away from Olivia.

"Thanks, Have fun with your bonding experience," Olivia said, turning from them and exiting the lab.

Prompt: Potassium (19)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  250

Scully's father had always said, 'before you go bananas, eat a banana.'  It wasn't one of his most profound sayings but Scully found herself in the hotel finishing a banana when there was a knock on the door.  She quickly swallowed her last bite and threw away the peel, knowing before she looked that it was Olivia.  She opened the door to find her awkwardly holding a bottle of wine.

"I know you too well to ignore when you are being strange," Olivia said waking past Scully into the room, "that was not the way I wanted to start this."  She added more to herself, opening the wine and pouring some for both of them.

"Olivia," Scully said in the tone she hadn't used since school.

Olivia froze, a nervous shock running through her.

"I haven't seen you in years, and at that point we were barely speaking.  I for one have changed and I'm sure you have too..."  Scully said, Olivia watching the green of Scully's eyes as if caught in headlights, "So don't presume to tell me that you know me any longer." Scully finished, blinking and seating herself on the bed.

Olivia followed Scully with her eyes, the soft glow of the lights making her hair glow.  Olivia remained rooted to the spot, unable to go closer or father away - as if both were dangerous.

A seemingly random thought invaded Olivia’s mind.  Magnets.  Attracted one way, repelling with a slight shift.  A happy medium impossible to maintain...

Prompt: Calcium (20)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
A/N: "It is somewhat difficult to ignite, unlike magnesium, but when lit, the metal burns in air with a brilliant high-intensity red light.” (Wiki)

Scully looked up, wishing her eyes to stay angry, hoping Olivia couldn't read the venerability she was trying desperately to mask, knowing Olivia could read her better than most.

"Well then what is it?"  Olivia asked softly, taking the two glasses,  giving one to Scully and sitting beside her on the bed.

Scully looked into Olivia's open pleading eyes and took a sip of the wine, never disconnecting her gaze, fighting to maintain a toughness, a wall.

Olivia watched Scully, taking in the details - the way her reddened lips were accented by her deep auburn hair, golden flecked in this light - she looked beautiful but she radiated fear, her breath catching as if she was having trouble controlling her breathing.

"What are you afraid of?" she asked without thinking, absorbed in the green of Scully's eyes.

Scully inwardly balked at the question, but of course she was scared, desperately scared that if she said anything or had to ad lib any movement other than drinking, she would lean toward the blonde, whose eyes were full of question and worry, and kiss the soft lips that taunted her with her own weakness.  In every scenario her head had conjured that never ended well.  But the mind plays tricks, uses fears.   Those lips were still there and Olivia was leaning forward....

Scully put down her glass as she felt Olivia's hand on her own.  With the drinking repetition broken she was impelled forward, eyes locked until the last possible moment..

Prompt: Scandium (21)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 175
A/N: "Approximately 20 kg (as Sc2O3) of scandium is used annually in the United States to make high-intensity lights." Wiki

The kiss exploded behind her eyes in light.  Scully relished the feel of Olivia's soft skin, joyfully succumbing to her own weakness.  Olivia's hand was on her neck, pulling her closer as a tentative tongue slid inside her mouth, filling her with an unexpected warmth that sent a shock between her thighs.  She dropped the hand that was in Olivia's hair and broke the kiss, hesitant to look up but oddly comforted by Olivia's disconcertedness.


Olivia saw Scully moving closer, felt a hand grasp hers, but somehow never expected the press of lips against her own.  She certainly didn't expect the savage desire this awoke in her, as if Scully was the sun filling her with warmth and a light that tingled in every extremity.  She drank in, pulling Scully closer as if to lose her would be to lose all heat in her body. But Scully pulled away and Olivia found herself staring at the swollen lips and hopeful eyes of her former teacher, breathing as if she had just run for miles… 
 Prompt: Potassium (19)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  250

Scully's father had always said, 'before you go bananas, eat a banana.'  It wasn't one of his most profound sayings but Scully found herself in the hotel finishing a banana when there was a knock on the door.  She quickly swallowed her last bite and threw away the peel, knowing before she looked that it was Olivia.  She opened the door to find her awkwardly holding a bottle of wine.

"I know you too well to ignore when you are being strange," Olivia said waking past Scully into the room, "that was not the way I wanted to start this."  She added more to herself, opening the wine and pouring some for both of them.

"Olivia," Scully said in the tone she hadn't used since school.

Olivia froze, a nervous shock running through her.

"I haven't seen you in years, and at that point we were barely speaking.  I for one have changed and I'm sure you have too..."  Scully said, Olivia watching the green of Scully's eyes as if caught in headlights, "So don't presume to tell me that you know me any longer." Scully finished, blinking and seating herself on the bed.

Olivia followed Scully with her eyes, the soft glow of the lights making her hair glow.  Olivia remained rooted to the spot, unable to go closer or father away - as if both were dangerous.

A seemingly random thought invaded Olivia’s mind.  Magnets.  Attracted one way, repelling with a slight shift.  A happy medium impossible to maintain...

Prompt: Calcium (20)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 
A/N: "It is somewhat difficult to ignite, unlike magnesium, but when lit, the metal burns in air with a brilliant high-intensity red light.” (Wiki)

Scully looked up, wishing her eyes to stay angry, hoping Olivia wouldn't read the venerability she was trying desperately to mask.

"Well then what is it?"  Olivia asked softly, taking the two glasses and giving one to Scully, sitting beside her on the bed.

Scully looked up into Olivia's open pleading eyes and took a sip of the wine, never disconnecting her gaze.

Olivia watched Scully, taking in the details - the way her reddened lips were accented by her deep auburn hair, golden flecked in this light - she looked beautiful but she radiated fear, her breath catching as if she was having trouble controlling her breathing.

"What are you afraid of?" she asked without thinking, absorbed in the green of Scully's eyes.

Scully inwardly balked at the question, but of course she was scared, desperately scared that if she said anything or had to ad lib any movement other than drinking, she would lean toward the blonde, whose eyes were full of question and worry, and kiss the soft lips that taunted her with her own weakness.  In every scenario her head had conjured that never ended well.  But the mind plays tricks, uses fears.   Those lips were still there and Olivia was leaning forward....

Scully put down her glass as she felt Olivia's hand on her own, the drinking repetition broken she was impelled forward, eyes locked until the last possible moment.

Prompt: Scandium (21)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 
A/N: "Approximately 20 kg (as Sc2O3) of scandium is used annually in the United States to make high-intensity lights." Wiki

The kiss exploded behind her eyes in light.  Scully relished the feel of Olivia's soft skin, joyfully succumbing to her own weakness.  Olivia's hand was on her neck, pulling her closer as a tentative tongue slid inside her mouth, filling her with an unexpected warmth that sent a shock between her thighs.  She dropped the hand that was in Olivia's hair and broke the kiss, hesitant to look up but oddly comforted by Olivia's disconcertedness.


Olivia saw Scully moving closer, felt a hand grasp hers, but somehow never expected the press of lips against her own.  She certainly didn't expect the savage desire this awoke in her, as if Scully was the sun filling her with warmth and a light that tingled in every extremity.  She drank in, pulling Scully closer as if to lose her would be to lose all heat in her body. But Scully pulled away and Olivia found herself staring at the swollen lips and hopeful eyes of her former teacher, breathing as if she had just run for miles.

Prompt: Titanium (22)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  250
A/N:"Titanium was discovered in England by William Gregor in 1791 and named by Martin Heinrich Klaproth for the Titans of Greek mythology." Titians -  "Their role as Elder Gods was overthrown by a race of younger gods" (Wiki x 2)

Scully pursed her lips together but remained wordless.

"Oh," Olivia said to break the tension, very conscious of her hands, tingling but cold with Scully's absence.  "So you.."

Scully nodded.

"Even when Danny?" Scully nodded again, the guilt stinging her eyes, tears welling behind.

"That's why..." Olivia broke off the verbalized thought as Scully's eyes grew wet with tears.

"God Dana I'm sorry," she said, instinctively pulling the redhead toward her.  She could feel her pulse running hot where it touched Scully’s skin and she felt almost as if she was taking advantage of her, enjoying the pressing of their bodies.

In Olivia’s arms Scully wept for her guilt and her fear until she was left with only the awkward comfort of Olivia's arms.  She looked up, more nervous of the tears than the kiss but found only awe and compassion in Olivia’s hazel eyes.

"I used to think you weren't entirely human," Olivia said softly, "Now I admire you even more," she added, unsure if admire would offend when she felt so much more she didn't yet understand.

Neither woman spoke for a few moments, content in the unmentioned proximity, until Olivia broke the silence, "We should get some sleep.”

Scully nodded as Olivia got off the bed.

"See you in the morning," Olivia said, holding the door ajar.

"Thank you," Scully said.

"You're welcome," Olivia replied, leaving all else unsaid.

The door closed and Olivia exhaled.  How different she felt, was, from the her hours before.

Salt crystals.

Prompt: Vanadium (23)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  250
A/N:"...named it vanadium after the Norse goddess of beauty, Vanadis (Freyja). Both names were attributed to the wide range of colors found in vanadium compounds. [...] The element occurs naturally in about 65 different minerals and in fossil fuel deposits. It is produced in China and Russia from steel smelter slag..." Wiki

"Barney Miller," Scully announced upon entering the lab the next morning.

"Our one armed man?" Peter inquired.

"Frederick Jones's mentor who had a very promising career until he fell off the map on 2006." Scully explained.

"Which is when it looks like Jones started his research,"  Olivia filled in, "idea theft?"

Scully nodded, "he is now in working on a similar terraforming technique for the Russians."

"Nice job," Olivia said softer than usual, smiling slightly.

"Sometimes it helps when you try a new perspective," Scully answered, meeting Olivia's eyes with a gaze that radiated electricity.

Olivia drank in the attraction and grateful admiration, feeling it juice her adrenaline with a narrowminded focus.  She flashed back to Scully's lips the previous night and for a moment wished they were alone again.

Peter looked at the two beautiful women, red and blonde, and cocked his eyebrow glancing over at Astrid who looked downtrodden.

Olivia broke the gaze, taking a deep breath to clear her head and, taking a few steps, was face to face with Peter.

He again raised his eyebrow.  "Everything okay with you two?"

"umhum" Olivia hummed through closed lips, her eyes wide and smiling, “We talked again, it went well.”

Peter narrowed his eyes but before he could respond Scully’s phone rang.

“Logan airport, he’s trying to board a plane to Krakow,” Scully said hanging up, “how fast can we get there?”

“How fast will you let me drive?” Peter replied as the three raced out of the lab.

Prompt: Chromium (24)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  200
A/N:"The name of the element is derived from the Greek word "chrōma" (χρωμα) meaning color, because many of its compounds are intensely colored."

The wine sparkled the colors of muted Christmas lights.

They made it to the airport, catching Miller in the lounge, coughing little white spores.  The other passengers had been evacuated to the hospital but sustained only a moderate allergic reaction to the altered pollen.  Miller himself had been brought back to the lab, Walter and Scully finding a non-DNA specific form of the terraforming plant carried in his bloodstream and lungs.  It had severely weakened him and he died on the way to the lab, avenged but unhappy and unable to tell them anymore about any others who knew about either project.

"Was the X-Files like this?" Olivia asked sipping her wine and leaning back into the couch, trying to inconspicuously stay out of Scully's personal space, still unsure how to proceed.

"Less tech and more blood but similar," Scully replied, kitty-cornered in the chair, facing Olivia.

They exchanged glances, both too focused on the other to think or speak about work, neither sure of what exactly to say to get them on the subject they both desired but also feared to speak.  The silence lengthened and became more awkward as both women made a show of drinking their wine.

Prompt: Manganese (25)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: PG-13
Word count:  250
A/N:"Manganese ions have various colors, depending on their oxidation state, and are used industrially as pigments. The permanganates of sodium, potassium and barium are powerful oxidisers. Manganese dioxide is used as the cathode (electron acceptor) material in standard and alkaline disposable dry cells and batteries." (Wiki)

"I should clean up the dinner dishes," Olivia said to break the silence.  She put down her glass and got up, beelining to the kitchen.

Scully swallowed the sip in her mouth, put down her glass and followed her.  "At least let me help," she said upon entering the kitchen, grabbing their plates from the table and loading them into the dishwasher.

Olivia wordlessly assented, busying herself with the countertops.  She could feel the distance of Scully's body like a pull as she moved about Olivia's kitchen.  She softly inhaled as Scully again came close, unwittingly holding her breath until her departure, but Scully stayed beside Olivia rinsing her hands in the sink before reaching for the dry towel as Olivia was pretending to need it.

Fingertips against the back of a hand made their forcibly ignored nagging background thoughts into alarm bells.  Scully took the towel away and held Olivia's hands loosely in her own.  Olivia tentatively looked into Scully’s eyes, bringing their joined hands to either side of them and stepping forward.  Scully could feel Olivia, from their interlocked fingers to the press of their lower arms, the pull of her body and the light warmth of her breath.  The disbelief that flooded her mind was overwhelmed by the lust but she couldn’t make the first move today, Olivia had to be sure.

Olivia stepped forward again, trying to focus on Scully’s eyes but her gaze kept falling to her lips, lightly reddened, moist and parted in longing.

Prompt: Iron (FE) (26)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: R
Word count:  250
A/N: "Iron is the sixth most abundant element in the universe, formed as the final act of nucleosynthesis by carbon fusing in massive stars. While it makes up about 5% of the Earth's crust, the earth's core is believed to consist largely of an iron-nickel alloy constituting 35% of the mass of the Earth as a whole." (Wiki)

Scully's eyes fell closed as Olivia's lips touched her own.  The soft touch fell to her centre as a heaviness that rooted her to the spot while sending exploding shocks to her extremities. She felt fingers on her back, pulling her closer and across the room as electricity traveled up her spine, fueling her desire to feel/meet/merge.  She parted her mouth to meet Olivia's tentative tongue, allowing it to explore, filling her mouth with warmth, before meeting it with her own, fight/release/retreat as Scully's hands searched for flesh of their own.  The buttons were a nuisance but her practiced fingers soon found how to undo them backwards and, shirt discarded, her fingertips grazed over Olivia's taught stomach.  Olivia took a breath in, recoiling, "Cold," she murmured through swollen lips, stripping off Scully’s shirt before taking her hands and pressing them flat to her stomach to warm them.  Olivia’s head arched back as Scully’s hands wandered and she nuzzled into Olivia’s neck, kissing a line from her collarbone to her jawline, finally claiming her lips again as Olivia pulled her even closer, deepening the kiss until both were left ragged for breath.  Olivia’s hands left Scully’s back momentarily to undo her own bra.  Scully’s hands wandered upward to feel the soft flesh of Olivia’s breasts while her head wandered down, impulsively sucking on a nipple until it was taught.  Olivia exhaled loudly.  Scully looked at her and cocked an eyebrow, “Should we move upstairs?” “No, I want you now,” Olivia replied….

Prompt: Colbalt (27)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: NC-17
Word count:  250
A/N:"Cobalt blue (cobalt(II) aluminate, CoAl2O4) gives a distinctive deep blue color to glass, ceramics, inks, paints, and varnishes." (WIki)

...pulling Scully towards her and closing her eyes as their lips met.  She was swimming in a world of darkness augmented by the light behind her eyelids so that her passion felt like the color blue.  Deep and intense.  She could feel Scully's fingers wandering lower, undoing the button to her pants (they fell to the ground) and edging the elastic of her panties before returning to the cleft in her hip, between her breasts, teasing up and down the length of her as if absorbing every crevice.  She pushed up against her again, leg between leg, her own pants gone and Olivia moaned as Scully rubbed her leg upward, maddening the desire that was already throbbing.  She grabbed at the wall, trying to find some hand hold but there wasn’t one.  “Are you sure?” Scully’s whisper was half question half taunt and Olivia could only nod behind her blue curtain, absorbing every touch with the intensity of the blind.  Scully’s fingers wandered down again and Olivia’s breath caught as she felt them slide below her panties and brush against… “Oh God,” Olivia cried out and Scully pushed down her panties with her other hand, sliding two fingers into her.  She felt Scully’s head against her stomach as the fingers slid deeper, pulsing in and out slowly while Scully’s thumb was teasing her clit.  Olivia rocked into her fingers, forcing them faster and faster until the blue world exploded in orange and red.  She opened her eyes to Scully smiling.

Prompt: Nickel (28)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: NC-17
Word count:  250
A/N: "The metal is corrosion-resistant," (Wiki)

Scully watched as Olivia's breathing returning to normal.  She looked wildly disheveled, eyes burning with a passion that made her even more alluring, and Scully could feel desire coursing to her extremities.  She kissed her hard, trying to absorb her through her skin as Olivia flipped them, kicking their pants away, and held Scully against the wall. Scully could feel Olivia's hands traveling up her back, leaving a little electric trail with every movement.  Her bra came unclasped and she allowed Olivia to take it off, enjoying the feel of warm skin against warm skin.  Olivia began lovingly teasing every part of her, her nipples, wrists, the insides of her elbows, but Scully was far past the point of needing to be aroused.  "Please," she whispered.  Olivia looked slightly disappointed for a moment but then smiled almost wickedly, falling to her knees and teasing Scully's stomach with her tongue while her hands slowly teased off Scully's panties.  Scully stepped out of them hurriedly, intoxicated by her venerability, and could do nothing but thrust in partial relief as Olivia slid two fingers inside her.  Olivia’s thrusts remained achingly slow inside her despite Scully’s attempts to speed her, but she built them faster and faster until Scully was sure her legs would collapse at the moment of coming.  Olivia’s tongue found Scully’s trigger and she licked until she heard groans and muffled cries above her.  Scully’s thoughts turned to jelly but her legs stayed true as she came, thrashing, to Olivia’s beats.

Prompt: Copper (29)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: R
Word count:  101
A/N:"very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper is rather supple in its pure state." (Wiki)

Scully's hair looked copper in the last glimmer of sunlight and Olivia couldn't take her eyes off the light playing in Scully's hair.

"Olivia?" Scully asked softly, lightly stroking Olivia's back from her shoulder blades to the small of her back.

"Um?" Olivia murmured, looking absently at Scully before smiling broadly.

"Good," Scully replied, smiling herself, "Can we get some clothes back on, I'm cold."

Olivia nodded and stepped away from Scully, still able to feel the electrical current that radiated between the two as the distance diminished and then snapped it, leaving the circuit running hot through her own body.

Prompt: Zinc (30)
Fandom: Fringe/ X-files
Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully
Rating: Rish
Word count:  250
A/N: "Zinc is an essential mineral, necessary for sustaining all life." (Wiki)

Olivia insisted she stay the night.  Scully would have said no, in any other circumstance that would be her immediate and uncompromising response.  But she could not imagine leaving, did not want this feeling of ALIVE, of connection, to diminish and so she allowed Olivia, their fingers interlaced, to lead her to the bedroom.

Warmed by the covers Olivia's fingers were happily running over Scully's exposed arm and Scully, head propped up on her arm, was watching Olivia’s innocent eyes smiling.  Olivia smiled when she saw the determination in Scully’s focus.

“What is it?”  She asked, moving her eyes from Scully’s gaze back to the tracings she was performing on Scully’s naked arm.

Scully looked pained for a moment and sighed deeply, shifting herself on her back.  Olivia idled her now misplaced hands and propped herself up to watch her partner.

Scully took a long time finding her words.

“I just don’t know how something I am so sure of can make me feel so unstable,” she finally relented, looking at Olivia.

“I know what you mean,” she replied simply but honestly, “But instability is essential to life.” She slid her hand under the sheet and grazed it along Scully’s stomach upwards across a still hard nipple.  Scully took a sharp breath in and Olivia shuffled closer smiling playfully.  “Without it, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy feeling…” Olivia continued, but Scully was finding it hard to pay attention to anything but Olivia’s lips as Olivia’s hand awakened her again…

scully, periodic challenge, dunham

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