Recently, I've been talking up Major Lorne to a few friends. For no reason, I swear! I mean, beyond the obvious obsession keen interest that I have in the character, and my goal of convicing people to watch SGA. So I thought, hey! Why not a picspam? That's right! I spent long, arduous hours slogging through images of Lorne, and even made a 'Lorne' folder in my LJ scrapbook. It was a sacrifice, I tell you.
This is partially an introduction to Major Lorne, and partially just a bunch of images I love. With bonus Teal'c, Rodney, Teyla, Sheppard, Ronon and Radek! Images for SG-1 s7, SGA s2 and s3 up to 3x16 (The Ark). No real spoilers beyond the images.
Major Lorne first appeared in Stargate: SG-1, season 7. Look at him! He's all clean-cut and sincere. He was supposed to a one-shot character, but clearly Teal'c thought he was interesting, so eventually he came back. Teal'c is formidable like that.
"Um, that's not quite what I meant when I said, 'How 'bout you show me your bon--nevermind."
Now Lorne lives in Atlantis, where he likes to hang out with his friends and sit on tables and stuff. With his legs dangling. I'm sorry, but there's just something about this that makes me giddy.
He loves to shoot his big guns! But he hates it when he misses (this is totally not a metaphor for anything, I swear. Especially not about his missed chance with Teal'c). Teyla also feels disappointed when he misses. She expects more from him.
Somewhere along the way he got a first name. "Call me Evan."
He's a man with many skills - big guns, little guns, grenades, working with scientists, flying X-302s, and he can make Teyla laugh, even in serious situations.
He's really serious a lot of the time.
But sometimes he's a little snarky and amused.
Look! Laughing!
Ooops! No time for that! Serious again - Col. Sheppard's in trouble. Gotta focus.
Lorne may or may not be Sheppard's 2IC. No one is sure. Possibly even Sheppard isn't sure. "Uh, sir, can you please not hit on me until we know if I'm your 2IC?" Sheppard: "Whatever."
Lorne is always off doing 'military stuff', but somehow, he seems to spend a lot of time with Rodney McKay while he's doing that - generally standing behind him and giving him funny looks. I totally didn't expect that. See, Rodney:
And here:
And looking at Rodney (sadly, Rodney is looking at Sheppard. Poor Lorne).
With Rodney (check out bonus goggles! Goggles = hot).
Rodney again - this time in matching orange spacesuits! Note that above they also had matching goggles. OMG TRUE LOVE?? *g*
Aaaaaaand Rodney. Is it just me, or does the 'jumper's window kind of look like a heart-shape around them? The 'jumper is all 'Lorne/McKay OTP!'
Atlantis loves Lorne so much that sometimes the city just puts up random images of him on all the screens. I mean, really - who can blame Atlantis? Not me!
Even Ronon longs for Lorne - check out how he clutches that scan - but he doesn't think he can have him.
Boy, is he so wrong. Just go for it, Ronon!
Sometimes Lorne likes to dress up in disguise and get thrown in prison. Frankly, I think that's hot.
And Lorne knows how to argue his case! Seriously - Radek never appreciates the power of baskets. ps - I really like the curve of Lorne's butt in this one.
But sometimes Radek makes interesting points, and Lorne likes to umm...listen
"Dr. Weir, you'd make weird faces too if you had to work with those two goofballs." Hahah, I love this image. Dorks!
"I own this orange spacesuit look! I make it look fierce."
I'm not sure what's going on with this eyebrow, but it looks kind of painful.
OMG, adorable goofball.
The end.
All images from