halloween & help!

Oct 27, 2009 10:57

1) What are you guys going as for Halloween?

2) Monsieur and I are going as Hamlet & Ophelia. I've got a renaissance-y dress and I'm planning to get some flowers & herbs to randomly strew everywhere, but do you guys have any suggestions to make a more recognizable Ophelia?

And here is a song about Hamlet that makes me laugh ("To be or not to ( Read more... )

music, real life

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Comments 16

ladykate63 October 27 2009, 18:20:32 UTC
No Halloween costume for me this year, I'm afraid.

Are you going to have flowers in your hair, as Ophelia? that would do it.

Of course, you could also go drenched in water, but somehow I suspect that would not be practical. :-/

(Btw, every time you update, I hope I'm going to see a new chapter of Fortuna's Wheel. :-( *is a sad Guy/Marian shipper*)


an_lagat_glas October 27 2009, 18:41:26 UTC
Yup, flowers in my hair. And I would actually like them to let me get on the train, so the water, as you said, would not be so doable ; )



mokulen October 27 2009, 19:14:09 UTC

OMG yay!


karen747 October 27 2009, 19:16:56 UTC
Really? Another Chapter is 98% done?? Be STILL my heart!
I. CANNOT.WAIT!!! (Seriously - best news this week.)

Re: Costume - Yup, flowers in the hair will work, but also - in lieu of water - and as your dress is light green, (this you may not like, but) what about streaks of mud on the dress? So that you're not confused with a Spring wood nymph?
-- And carrying tall flowers and weeds? And maybe, reeds?
-- Your makeup choice will also help here -- What about an extremely pale base with circles under the eyes? And pale, blue-tinged lipstick? just some thoughts...

Myself, I'm retreatingand being the Halloween Scrooge this year...too much other stuff going on. HAVE FUN!! ;-)


haecvir October 27 2009, 18:31:05 UTC
1) Nothing. Or possibly dragging it up again, but no one is gonna see so there's not much of a point =/
2) The gown should be really pale, I can't think of ever seeing a painting of her without her being in white/gray and a wreath of flowers in her hair. Pretty much long loose hair with flowers in it and a pale dress should make someone think of Ophelia.
Tried listening to that song but holy crap those people cannot sing what the crap =(


an_lagat_glas October 27 2009, 18:43:41 UTC
1. : / Do you guys get trick-or-treaters at all?

2. I'll have flowers in my hair, but we have no money so I'm wearing the dress I already have, which is green. At least it's light green, but you're right, a white/grey dress would have been really good.

My husband forces me to listen to shitty punk all the time so I think I have become immune.


haecvir October 27 2009, 18:50:28 UTC
1. Yes, but I don't answer the door cause I haet kids. Besides that last year it was pretty much just kids in trashbags or normal clothes, I remember only the really little kids having actual costumes. We're in a really nice suburb so we get a bunch of kids from downtown coming in because its 'safe' (apart from all the drunk driving, and its not like anyone teaches their kids to watch out for cars anymore). Why the crap are there 13-16yr olds going around for candy with pillowcases? I stopped trick-or-treating at like 10, its kinda embarrassing to me that my 12/13yr old sister and cousin still go, but they at least dress up a little. /end old man rant

2. Light green should work unless its like, blade-of-grass-green. You could always dilute some bleach real well and wash it a bunch try to pale it up a notch, but that might not be so good if you want to use it for other stuff after. If he is recognizable as Hamlet that should help too.

Ah well, the things people do for love!


an_lagat_glas October 27 2009, 23:58:36 UTC
1. Seriously, what is it with kids wandering all over the damn place? It's even undergrads on campus, especially with iPods, and then there's loads of bikers too so it's a general clusterfuck. And what's the point if you don't have a costume? Lame.

Haha, you could just yell at them out the window to get off the lawn ; )

2. Unfortunately this is a nice dress (it was for my high school madrigal, and not cheap to make) so no dying/bleaching. But my husband will be in a black doublet & breeches and . . . whatever else he's doing. He might get a skull, I don't know. We're doing more costume stuff tomorrow, so I'll find out!

I forced him to watch Merlin yesterday, so we're probably even ; )


aoxelfrieda October 27 2009, 19:25:16 UTC
I'm going to a birthday on the 1st, and I'll be wearing my new dirndl. Yay!


an_lagat_glas October 27 2009, 23:59:51 UTC
Yay indeed!

That icon is amazing.


aoxelfrieda October 28 2009, 00:17:32 UTC


dcwash October 27 2009, 21:06:20 UTC
I'm not dressing up, but the 16-year-old German exchange student at my brother's is wearing a dirndl and will be holding out a gigantic beer stein to collect the candy. I said she's going to be the St. Pauli Girl.


an_lagat_glas October 28 2009, 00:01:03 UTC
Ha, that's cute!


lalumena October 28 2009, 00:57:33 UTC
Nyet. Motly because it passes almost without notice here? And also 'cos I don't celebrate it, but since it hardly gets celebrated here, it's not much of an issue...? The idea of dressing up as Hamlet and Ophelia is a great idea, though! Original, and not too difficult?

ut do you guys have any suggestions to make a more recognizable Ophelia?
I would suggest a straitjacket, but that could be (a) in poor taste (b) difficult to procure...

Heh @ the Hamlet rap. That's one of the same guys who wrote the Gwen/Arthur/Lancelot rap!


an_lagat_glas October 28 2009, 01:22:56 UTC
I'm sure the vast majority of place it goes unnoticed : ) Though I have run around Random City, France in a pair of wings (because that was the only costumey sort of thing we could find/afford) so we didn't feel like we were completely missing out when a friend and I were abroad.

I actually have a fencing jacket that wouldn't be too hard to--no, no, not going down that route ; )

G/A/L rap? Do share!


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