Robin Hood holiday fests

Nov 13, 2011 17:32

Since I know there are several comm mods on my flist, as well as others in the fandom - This is maybe too late, as the G/M comm sign-up post is already up, but would there be any interest in a pan-Robin Hood fandom holiday fest instead of an exchange for every single individual comm? Because I would love to write something, but I couldn't join the ( Read more... )

robin hood, fic

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Comments 6

ladykate63 November 14 2011, 02:40:45 UTC
Did you see the gift exchange ficathon on the RH Yuku board? I was actually wondering if it could serve as a pan-fandom holiday thing, though the rules are a bit different from the usual Secret Santa thing.


an_lagat_glas November 14 2011, 03:15:23 UTC
If it were advertised widely (to let the LJ people who are not on Yuku know), I think it could work, though I do have reservations - requests and claims aren't evenly distributed, and I think that anyone who requests a fic should also write at least one, but it doesn't look like that's a requirement? (and if others are inspired by a prompt, they could also write for that prompt, provide they also write something that hasn't already been claimed.)

Secondly, it would be nice to have a way for people who are involved in fandom other ways to participate, like making icons, sigs, videos, or fanmixes. That's something that gxm does that I really like.


an_lagat_glas November 14 2011, 03:18:40 UTC
and I think the not above PG-13 requirement would be problematic for trying to get everyone involved, tbh.

(for the first request I immediately thought Guy/Robin/Meg and I don't think the requester meant that at all!)


ladykate63 November 15 2011, 23:06:26 UTC
LOL, probably not. Perhaps for the future we should ask posters to indicate their own preferred rating. And good point about sharing other gifts besides fic. This is our first event of this kind so obviously we're still working out the wrinkles.


thymelady November 14 2011, 08:30:27 UTC
I like this idea a lot!


mythopathy November 14 2011, 11:04:36 UTC
Yes yes yes.


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