book time!

Oct 30, 2010 14:28

Okay, I know I started up a book post somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Argh. I finished The Hunger Games and was going to write about it, and then realized I should just do another book log entry. First, though, I have a dilemma. I bought The Hunger Games in paperback, but apparently the other two are only out in hardback? I know I want ( Read more... )

parasol protectorate, book log, hunger games

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Comments 6

jlauren1224 October 31 2010, 00:43:21 UTC
The Hunger Games is amazing! I loved it. Also, I understand your dilemma because I am the same way, and I thought I was the only one! When I have series, I like them to all be in paperback or all in hardback, but not a mix of the two. Good to know I'm not alone. :)

I must say, I feel that where you are expecting the book to go isn't entirely innaccurate, nor is it accurate. Collins is really good at surprising her fans when it comes to expectations. I don't think it will be what you think. I know Mockingjay completely blew my mind in terms of what to expect. Trust me on this. That being said, the series is fantastic and I hope you'll love it.


an_lagat_glas November 2 2010, 06:23:17 UTC
I actually broke down and got the second two in hardback because they were half price at the sci-fi bookstore, and then since I was trading in stuff (*cough* The Difference Engine *cough*) I got half price off of that. But I figure I can always give the paperback to my sister and get myself a hardback copy of THG ; )

Halfway through Catching Fire right now and loving it : D So far she's subverting my expectations just enough to keep me rapt.


endcredits October 31 2010, 20:05:05 UTC
Yeah, I found The Difference Engine pretty hard going too. I slogged through to the end and can recall liking some interesting set pieces (I can still see my mental visuals, actually!), but … I can hardly remember a thing about the actual plot now. I feel like I should have taken notes!

The Silver Wolf sounds like just my cup of tea. Rome! Werewolves! I'll definitely check it out.


an_lagat_glas November 2 2010, 06:15:38 UTC
TDE certainly was very striking in terms of mental imagery, and I can see why people dig it. But I think that was far more interesting than the plot : /

It was fun! There's also some sequels, it looks like.


mythopathy November 1 2010, 19:17:00 UTC
Hunger Games: I also had issues with the first person narrative:it clashed occasionally with her actions but then again I tried to remain cynical, it occasionally works, but I think I am now blind to any fault. It is an awesome awesome book and trilogy. Although now I need to watch Battle Royale.

Blameless: Meh I was so sick of Changeless I really really don't care what happens next. I dropped the second one oncethey arrived in Scotland. It wasn't just Ivy that was stupid, Alexia was so obviously deliberately obtuse herself (JEEZUS WOMAN YOU'RE PREGNANT NOW FUCK OFF) and judgemental and the whole book so pointless I am not going to bother again.


an_lagat_glas November 2 2010, 06:19:39 UTC
It's interesting how the trilogy sucks you in more and more without you realizing it. I read and enjoy it but don't think it's the most amazing thing ever, but then I find myself thinking about it while I'm not reading--it's been awhile since I've read a book that compelling.

Changeless was pretty obnoxious, and I think clueless characters (sometimes Katniss, even) are way overdone. Sorry you are sick of it, Blameless was indeed quite fun : (


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