massive book post: part 1

May 02, 2010 10:45

I have an enormous stack of books sitting out that I can't put away until I've posted about them. Of course, as I haven't had time to do that, but have had time to keep reading on the bus and things, the stack keeps getting bigger. So here's the stuff I already have written, and I'll probably have another one of these in the next couple of days ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

endcredits May 2 2010, 21:07:42 UTC
I loved Odd and the Frost Giants, enjoyed Beast (with pretty much the same reservations you mention), and have Anathem sitting on my shelf waiting to be read.

And I'm definitely getting Soulless on your rec. It sounds great!


an_lagat_glas May 3 2010, 02:35:09 UTC
You have excellent literary taste ; ) I will be very interested in hearing your thoughts on Anathem.


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an_lagat_glas May 3 2010, 02:34:36 UTC
Yeah, it's unfortunate, because the premise (at least at the beginning) is SO COOL.

And yeah, the Gaiman is awesome. One of the things I love about it is that it's a kid's book that doesn't whitewash everything.

The book was loads of fun! And it actually talked a little bit about her inspiration in the back, which was really cool. I liked that it was really different than most other adaptations--it was nicely bold, even if it didn't make the goals it reached towards.

Oh man, I had not heard of that adaptation! It actually looks fairly interesting (the Olsen kid scares me, but NPH definitely makes up for that ; ) )


mythopathy May 3 2010, 15:18:38 UTC
Ah I steered away from Beast even though I was intrigued by the historical setting because I spoiled myself and didn't care for it. Was I too cowardly?

Gaiman. I love him.

Have you heard of Runemarks? It's the very first novel I read that incorporated Norse mythology. It's pretty long for a YA book, so it can get tiring but I thought it was worth it.


mythopathy May 3 2010, 15:23:11 UTC
Oh Soulless! It was funny and refreshing but I thought that towards the end it lost some of its flavour as it veered back to its paranormal romance roots.


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