The star opens her eyes.
Okay, so that's not precisely true.
To be entirely honest, the star does not so much open her eyes as flutter them in a rather useless manner. Though, really, she has aspirations of opening them, so it really should count
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He doesn't make a sound or any sort of movement.
"Your wife is quite right," he says patiently. "Of course, we're not trying to make your lives miserable, no. We're doing you a great service."
"And what service would that be?"
We're all pretty sure that Fed-Ex doesn't exist yet.
Tristran would very much like to know what this service is, too.
There's a following chorus of laughter.
"Room 'n board," another voice suggests.
See this face? Totally not amused. Not in the least.
In fact, Tristran is looking downright annoyed by all of this jesting.
And he would really rather if these bloody birdbrains just let them go.
Or especially the second time around.
"And where would we be traveling to?" she star inquires, head canting slightly.
The vulture leader raises both eyebrows suggestively. (Not that kind of suggestive.)
"I cannot say that I am overly fond of them," she replies primly, head held high.
She's rather convincingly royal every so often. Usually, however, at the most unhelpful of times.
"Unless you would care to surprise me by letting us go. It would be most appreciated."
"The missus has humour!" one of them says. "No, no. This trip is a surprise. You'll see. It's a good one too. Right, fellas?"
Several of the others continue chuckling and chortling.
And if he lived in an age where comic books existed, he'd be wishing he could suddenly turn into the Incredible Hulk, because there are some bird-asses he would very much like to kick right now.
As it is, the poor king-to-be shifts his torso as best he can under the strain of the ropes and says, "Look. Whatever you want - just take it. But let us go."
He shrugs.
"So it's a matter of the gettin' to there first."
A beat.
"Before you start your bartering, m'Lord."
He swallows, downing his nerves, his anger and everything else.
"Where are you taking us, exactly?"
His head inclines sharply, motion fluid but angle almost unnatural.
"One would think you'd be a bit more grateful, yeah?"
Why would they return to Wall - ohshi-
"Surely you don't mean -"
Okay, so this is the last place he wanted to go back to? Even moreso, now that he has a feeling he knows what these vultures want.
He starts to struggle against his bindings once more, this time with a little more desperation.
It's kind of just tightening things and making her wrists sting like a bitch.
"Ow," she points out helpfully in a hushed undertone.
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