Quick Report

Dec 14, 2008 10:54


YAY! It's the holidays, which means no school until January. (YES. Oh, I am so happy about that.)

25 Fics Progress
Yay! Three down, only 15 more to go. The Seto/Anzu ones will be easy, because they're all 500 words, I think. The Rayne fics should be only a little more difficult ( Read more... )

ranting, challenge, bits, life

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Comments 2

Happy Holidays! alsunwunderland December 14 2008, 23:12:20 UTC
Yay for Holidays! In addition to writing, are you relaxing & hanging out with family/friends? I have to work until Friday, then I'm on Winter Break until 05 Jan!


Re: Happy Holidays! an_ardent_rain December 15 2008, 02:49:28 UTC
Oh indeed yay for holidays - heh. It's been nice seeing my family, but I've only gotten to spend a little time with my friends. Hopefully that'll change, though! Hee. Ooh, enjoy your break as well! ^_^ Gotta love the break time. Hee.


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