Not So Inclined

Aug 12, 2009 06:51

Three Firefly wallpapers of dubious quality I made. I've been practicing for the Wallpaper Challenge at whedonland, and these are some of my best efforts so far. Feel free to (constructively) criticize. Well, except for overuse of all the pretty textures, because I know I did that. But I like them anyway!Under the cut. All 800x600 (er... or like 800x597 ( Read more... )

photoshop fail, firefly, wallpapers, rayne, piccage

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Comments 7

lonelyangel_x August 12 2009, 12:18:39 UTC
Pretty! My favourite is the River/Jayne one (even though I'm still unsure about whether I ship them or not o.O). And I'm all in favour of lots of pretty textures ( ... )


an_ardent_rain August 13 2009, 18:24:46 UTC
Ooh, I like long, and yes! That's exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for! I really appreciate it. Hee.

I think you're right - trial and error, and practice. Yeah, I have lots of trouble resizing! So frustrating. Heh. Oooh, now that you say that you're totally right about the Mal/Inara. And I left a whole line of background on Mal's face. Fail. *laughs* I wanted that exact scene, and that was the best one I could find. I have no google-fu skilss. Hee. Thanks for the tips on cut-outs, too. I was making it softer as I got nearer the skin.

I know what you mean about finding the right size! My comp's like 1400x900 so I usually just have to find a close sized one and have a nice black border around it! Heh.

Anyway, thanks again! :D

(Also, love your icon! So pretty... Hee. And, if you want to know if you ship River/Jayne, read the Horseshoe Nails series by Dyce if you have the time. Here's the first story: Two Gorram Days. There are 5 in all. It's like... the Rayne bible to a lot of the writers. ( ... )


lonelyangel_x August 13 2009, 20:14:59 UTC
Heh, you're welcome. :)

Yeah, for serious - the best thing you can do is practise. Following tutorials always helps - I find the ones on RCR are really good (you need to register to see them) - because they give you an idea of how to use different tools and stuff, plus they have pretty stuff which is always a bonus xD ( ... )


oneangryv August 12 2009, 15:38:56 UTC
Oh, so pretty! The last one is my favourite, especially with that bit of lace on Summer's thigh, it's sooooo hot!

All walls are great, though I have one tiny criticism. Mal's head looks a little too sharp-cut, especially his forehead and face, it wouldn't hurt to use a little more of blur tool. Otherwise, very nice job!


an_ardent_rain August 13 2009, 18:26:19 UTC
Thanks! :) Ooh, yeah, I was so happy I found the lace brushes.

Thanks for the con-crit! Yeah, I chose a bad cap for that one, and then I got so tired doing it that I rushed it. Hee.


idyllictorture August 13 2009, 04:20:05 UTC
Very nice. I have no talent for graphics, so I can't really critique. But I think the Rayne one is the best of them. And that's not just b/c I ship them.


an_ardent_rain August 13 2009, 18:30:32 UTC
Thanks! :D Hee.

Yup, that one's my favorite, too. It's all brown and sexy. Heh heh.


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