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Comments 2

gilove2dance February 20 2009, 03:37:10 UTC
I love their banter in this part..so very them! And man did that sneek peak make me excited!!! Looks so good I am in awe. Can't wait to read it!!

Have fun on your trip...hope you get some writing done! :P


an_ardent_rain February 20 2009, 05:27:47 UTC
Ooh, thanks so much! ^^ Hee. I'm glad they were in-character. For some reason, the writing style of this bit went off a teeny bit from my usual direction, so though I really sort of love this chapter, it makes me nervous.

And I KNOW! *writing squee* Oh man, chapter five should be freaking awesome. I'm so excited that I get to write it! *geek out* I think that's gonna be a really good chapter. (I still have to figure out how in the world to work the prompt in, though... Heh.)

And thank you! I hope I have fun - we shall see. Heh. And oh yeah - I'm going to write like effin' crazy. Plane rides, yo. My carry-on is basically full of pens and notebooks. Yum. ^_^ Wednesday will bring with it a flood. ('Cause of the "Rayne" - a yuk yuk. Delicious pun.)

Anyway... Enough rambling. I'm glad you liked this first version of the chapter! Heh.


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