Fic: I'm Still Waiting For the Rain to Fall - 2/? (R/Q, PG)

May 16, 2010 02:44

Title: I’m Still Waiting For the Rain to Fall (2/?)
Author: an_an0maly
Summary: ...pour real life down on me...
Pairing: Eventual Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG to NC-17
Word Count: 2,637 / 21,000+
Spoilers: I would like to say that spoilers would probably be from the Pilot to Sectionals. After that, there might be a few smatterings of references to events in ( Read more... )

glee, fic: i'm still waiting for the rain, rachel/quinn

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Comments 46

Sadness revanstar May 16 2010, 04:17:40 UTC
... I loathe Rachel's "Father". Poor Rachel is killing herself trying to be perfect and the douchebag just acts like it isn't good enough. She is so abused and no one notices, even her, and her other "daddy" allow this crap? I feel so bad for her and yet the fact that she was patient and kind with Brittany makes me want to cuddle her. I love this fic, despite the fact that this is heartbreaking.

thank you and cheers,


Re: Sadness an_an0maly May 16 2010, 21:53:08 UTC
You're really going to hate him. I'm sorry. And you're right, she doesn't know that this isn't right. Or at least, it shouldn't be like this.

I'm sorry it's so heartbreaking. I hope you can still read it though. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. :D

I'm really glad you liked the interaction between Rachel and Brittany. I didn't want it to seem fake, but I don't think you can't be around Brittany and not smile or just let go.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing and coming back for more. :D


biruuu May 16 2010, 09:07:16 UTC
With WIPs, I usually prefer to wait until they're finished before I start reading because if I don't, then all the stories start blending together in my head (there's also the fear of them ending up abandoned and whatnot). That said, I took a peek at the prologue and had to read it all. This comment isn't going to do your fic justice at all.

It's just so different from every other R/Q fic I've read. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that you're taking your time putting them closer, having them merely study each other from a distance for now. The last scene, with Quinn's thoughts on Rachel's attitude towards Brittany, was genius in that sense.

The details about Rachel's schedule and all the different bits of back-story that you've come up with make it just so much more compelling. I'm honestly awed by how subtle, in a way, everything is. That takes talent.

I really can't wait to see where you take this next. It's fantastic.


an_an0maly May 16 2010, 22:07:56 UTC
I completely understand. I always tell myself not to start reading a WIP because of the same reasons you stated, but I always end up caving. I guess I just don't have the willpower. :)

Reading your comment has made me incredibly happy to be writing this fic. I'm so glad you like the slower pace. I really wanted to show a proper progression of a relationship between them. I really just hope I can do it justice. Getting feedback like this though, makes me want to try and make each part better than the last because I know you're actually appreciating it. So thank you so much for taking the time to read and review. It really makes a big difference.

There's a lot of backstory coming up in some parts. I didn't mention it in the author's note, but it's based a year from Sectionals. That fact becomes clearer later on, and explained better.

Thank you, again, for taking the time to read this (even though it's a WIP ;) ). Any feedback you can offer along the way would be greatly appreciated. :D


motylik May 16 2010, 17:55:05 UTC
You know this fic feels really cathartic. I hope Rachel's dad doesn't find out she spent half of her piano practice not practicing the pieces she should have. I kind of want her to keep the positive emotion of playing with Brittany.
The small rebellious act of balling up the small note and then franatically smoothing it out again? I did that, like a million times. Did something rebellious and then freaked out and tried to unmake it.
I kinda dislike Shue a lot in this. He was called by Rachel's father about the practice and not only does he not put 2 and 2 together, but he is also annoyed when Rachel tries to comply with her fathers wishes? He's such a self-absorbed ass. And unfit as a teacher I find.
Amazing chapter! Can't wait for more!


an_an0maly May 16 2010, 22:18:49 UTC
I love that you fill my LJ with pretty Veronica. Thank you! :D

Aww, I'm so glad that this seems to be helping you in some way. :D And don't worry, her little detour to helping Brittany play piano will just be their little secret. :D

I was lucky because I've always had parents that just want me to be happy and do what makes me happy. But I can understand the pressure that someone puts on themselves just to please their parents.

I also don't like Mr. Schuester that much. I find him a really bad example of what a teacher is supposed to be. It drives me nuts, tbh. And I don't really have any plans for side storylines for him in this fic, but I don't find his presence all that important to the story either. lol.

Thanks for reading and reviewing again! :D Thank you for coming back for more each time, even knowing that it hits a little too close to home. *hugs*


motylik May 17 2010, 18:49:23 UTC
Every LJ should be filled with pretty Veronica. And pretty KB. :D

Yay! Little secrets like that are very fun and liberating. :)

Well my parents always tell me they want me to be happy and let me do what makes me happy. But combine that with pressure. But in the end, they let me pick what I studied at University, even though their plans were different. So they're not that bad.

I hate him most of the time. Then usually fandom gets me to tolerate him and then I hate him again. LOL I was incredibly annoyed when he was in the fic, so I'm happy that he plays no role at all. LOL

Your welcome! And never fear, I'm masochistic at heart, so I'll be gladly coming back! ;) No, I like confronting myself with things I've already mostly gotten over. It's therapeutic. :) And you handle it really well, so I don't even feel angsty while reading. *hugs* So THANK YOU! :D


an_an0maly May 18 2010, 19:12:30 UTC
*sigh* I love KB. ♥ ♥ ♥

I understand. My parents don't pressure me but there's a sense of it. You know? I blame it on Catholic guilt. ;)

I didn't mind him at first but I really can't stand him all that much now and I really don't want a storyline for him. He's kind of just going to be there to move the glee club along. And for Rachel to argue with. :D

I feel bad because I just finished writing a part that is kind of really angsty so I hop it goes over okay with you. You'll have to let me know. Don't be angry with me. Please?


ians_grace47 May 16 2010, 18:19:39 UTC
Awww teacher!rachel rules!! I love your description of the key changes in the piece that Rachel was finding difficult and the frustration of getting it wrong over and over. It's amazing how muscle memory works and the less you think about it, the easier your fingers flow. Sigh...i miss learning the piano. Loving this story...keep up the great work dude.


an_an0maly May 17 2010, 10:54:08 UTC
I love Teacher!Rachel. I love all the Rachels. :D Especially Cupcake!Rachel and Hobo!Rachel. :D

I knew you'd appreciate the piano bits. Even the mentioning of ascending scales and describing the piece. Did you check out the youtube video of the girl playing it that I linked at the top? She's pretty good. And writing about the piano makes me miss mine so much. I have the Glee music books and I'm going to take them home to Australia with me so I can play them on my piano before my mum sells it. *sob*

And yeah, it really is amazing how muscle memory works. I can play a few Coldplay songs and half the time if I don't think about what I'm playing, I get it right.

Anyway, thanks for leaving feedback! :D And for sharing in the love of the piano (that isn't being used as a sex bench. ;) )


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an_an0maly May 17 2010, 10:57:35 UTC
You're really sweet. Thank you so much. Your comments make me blush. :)

I'm so glad people like the Brittany/Rachel interaction. I wasn't sure if B was believable enough and I didn't want to make her sound stupid.

This fic is one of your faves? Oh boy, that's pressure right there. lol. I hope I keep it at a good standard so you keep coming back for more. :D Thank you so, so much for reading and leaving feedback again. All these awesome comments really make a big difference when I sit down to write more. :D Thank you.


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