(no subject)

Nov 13, 2009 18:54

Just finished season 5 of Buffy and cried. A lot. Ep 20 & 21 were a bit draggy; I'm not all that interested in action sequences, but 22 soooo made up for it. Joss Whedon is so good at twisting the knife in deliciously horrible ways (also: omg, the last shot of Spike? My heart).

Am curled up on my side on the couch with the cat settled behind my knees. You don't know how long I've wanted a cat that would snuggle. Hamsters do not good lap pets make.

A meme from hulamoth because it has been forever since I have done one:

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

Robin Hood
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place? A classmate mentioned it in a conversation about medieval films/shows. I caught it somewhere in the first season, and it was delicious, delicious crack.
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I'll move on, but I will still love it.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? 1x08, 2x11, 3x09 except the Kate/Robin bits.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Hahaha yes.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? It's fascinating to see people who are still trickling in. I'm not going to be exclusionary; there are some totally awesome people who've just joined, but I do like how small the fandom is.

Beauty and the Beast
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place? I wasn't ever in this fandom the same way I was with Robin Hood; it's one of my favorite fairy tales in all its variations ("East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon" YES, especially with Kay Nielsen's exquisite illustrations) and it's my favorite Disney film. Okay, and one of my favorite books is a retelling of it. (Rose Daughter, if you're curious)
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? see above
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? also, see above.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I was actually in a Beauty and the Beast roleplay back in my highschool e-mail roleplaying days. And I played around with bits of fic, but never got much accomplished.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? I really have no idea what the fandom is like, but I wouldn't mind coming across the story in more variations

Phantom of the Opera
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place? The show came to town, I bonded with a classmate over it, and she dragged me into the insanity. It was my first "fandom" per se
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I moved on awhile ago, though it still has a special place in my heart. And I can probably still sing half the libretto.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Phantom by Susan Kay. Also, the music videos that were made for MTV are hilariously unfortunate.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? hahahahaha. No. But my friend & I have an enormous box of notes that we wrote to each other during class as characters that eventually morphed into third-person fic. I really want to go back and go through them, but I'm kind of terrified. We were, after all, in eighth grade (13/14).
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? I am sure they did with that film. And I am sure they will all run away screaming when the sequel to the musical comes out.

fairy stories, robin hood, memes, buffy

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