Title: Goddess
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: NC-17
Chapter Word Count: 3,685
ssddgr thepuddinheadSummary: Buffy Summers is the hot teacher everyone lusts over, William Giles her student. He’s thrilled to have been roped into helping her out over the summer; she’s just trying to fight her attraction to him.
Notes: It's been a while and for that I apologise.
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Comments 5
The notorious morning after... Yeah, that was painful, but I can't really blame Buffy for reacting like that.
LOL, William's "brilliant" plan! But, in the end, it did work like a charm, and that's what counts.
Buffy really can't seem to resist William. They are on a very thin ice, and this is so not going to end well...
I can't believe Buffy is going ahead with it despite the danger. Hopefully it won't come crashing down until after he graduates.
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