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Comments 51

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amythystluna August 22 2011, 02:17:41 UTC
<33 Yeah, *this* is kinda where I've been for the past few months, LOL :)

I highly rec the story, too! <3333

(EEEEEEP! I swear, Becky, the coding was giving me HIVES or something--it kept replicating my lj-user tags, and then had two cuts, and... yeah. I think it's fixed now. Thanks for the heads-up bb <3 *squish*)


nu_breed August 22 2011, 02:47:19 UTC
Gorgeous pieces. The one on the traintracks is my favourite, can't stop staring at it :)


amythystluna August 22 2011, 23:44:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it works for you :)


ravyn_ashling August 22 2011, 03:51:05 UTC
fuck, dude, your attention to detail and the whole colour scheme you went with in these pieces--ugh. absolutely breathtaking.

just saved dreamdustmama's fic for reading tonight after work but i've been making it a habit this year to check out the art first and ALL THIS just sets the mood so wonderfully and makes me even more excited to read the story. :D


amythystluna August 22 2011, 23:46:10 UTC
Heee, I'm kinda neurotic about my details /o\ Glad it works, though :D

You are in for a treat, the story is FANTASTIC *_* <3333333


kathyh August 22 2011, 08:55:51 UTC
These are all fabulous and are a wonderful complement to the story. It's really fascinating reading the DVD extras too. I absolutely love the group picture. All the little details and the textures on their clothes, not to mention the likenesses, work wonderfully. Terrific work!


amythystluna August 22 2011, 23:49:34 UTC
Heh, I'm glad the DVD extras are kinda interesting--I was a little rambly...yay trying to do coding and such when I should be sleeping \o/

I have a bit of a thing for textures, LOL :) I'm glad you liked it! <3


ma_chelle August 22 2011, 15:34:33 UTC
Your artwork, as always, is stunning! I love the color, shading, attention to detail. <333


amythystluna August 22 2011, 23:49:54 UTC
<33333 Thank you bb *squish*


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