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Comments 51

mysecretashes August 21 2011, 14:29:10 UTC
You are amazing, okay? AMAZING. AND FABULOUS. AND I ADORE YOU. I know I've flailed over all of these as you sent them to me, but I love them SO MUCH. They're PERFECT, and fit so well with the tone of the fic.

Thank you so much for doing the art for this, bb. It's amazing and you're amazing and I could probably gush embarrassingly at you for AGES AND AGES.



amythystluna August 21 2011, 21:08:15 UTC
*squish* <3333 :D

You are AMAZING AND FABULOUS AND I ADORE YOU TOO! I cannot WAIT to read your fantabulous fic all together and beta'd and posted for everyone to squee over! <333333

...and I still plan to finish all the drawings I had outlined at some point, when life decides to give me some free time again. >.> I never got to draw Morgause or Nimueh :( Or that last picture we talked about :( But I will :D

We did it! \o/


shiny4love August 21 2011, 14:33:03 UTC
These are gorgeous and I love mama too so was waiting patiently for her fic. I'm saving it for tonight but had to see the art.

The group pic is my favourite so the hard work definitely paid off. The colouring in all the art is really lovely I like the soft blue's/grey's there's something dream like about it.

Anyway my only problem is I cant see the excalibur pic :( not sure if its an lj issue


amythystluna August 21 2011, 21:11:34 UTC
Eeee, enjoy! I'm so excited that people get to read all the fantabulous now! :3

Thank you so much! I'm glad the group pic was worth the labor, LOL :D

Eeep! I'm not sure what's going on with that, I checked the coding and all seems in order :-/ Maybe you'll be able to see it embedded in the story? I dunno what to tell you. The direct link is here though:


shiny4love August 21 2011, 23:45:27 UTC
Thanks for the link, I did see it in the story and have actually just finished reading it. It was just f-ing fantastic and your art was truly gorgeous and a perfect fic.

Thanks to you both for a wonderful few hours. Its a great way to spend a Sunday night.


reni_m August 21 2011, 15:27:13 UTC
All the art is great!
I love how you kept a consistent relationship between all the pieces with the blue. It works really well, and the color really highlights the sadness that comes with oppression.
Can't wait to read the fic now!
Congrats on your first Merlin big bang!!


amythystluna August 21 2011, 21:14:45 UTC
Thank you so much!

I knew I wanted to do several drawings, so the monochromatic idea was there from the beginning--and y'know, I knew the blue *worked* for me, but thanks for putting into words one of the reasons it did--I liked the melancholy look it gave everything, but you're right about the symbolism... huh. :D I mean, I totally planned the blue to symbolize the dystopia and opression from the get-go, totally. ;) :D

Go!!! Read!!! Now!!! It's AMAZING <3333


darkmagic_luvr August 21 2011, 16:37:36 UTC
I love this. My favorites are the group (because there's like no Will in any stories this year, and he and Freya look beautiful) and Morgana. Her eyes look really beautiful.


amythystluna August 21 2011, 21:15:50 UTC
Thank you so much! Poor Will *pets him* It was fun to draw him, I never have before :) In fact, I think your icon was my reference picture, LOL! I liked how Morgana's eyes turned out too--thank you so much for your comment <3


yenny2206 August 21 2011, 17:00:53 UTC
This at is just amazing. Your are such a wonderful, brilliant and talented artist.


amythystluna August 21 2011, 21:16:15 UTC
Thank you so much! *blush*


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