GSD-Day 1: Your Arms Feel Like Home

Jan 18, 2011 10:17

So, this is for that whole 'get shit done' week over at marguerite_26's journal, so if you have no interest in in-progress drawings of H/D or nakedboy!snuggling, move right along and have a great day ;)

If you *do* want to see the art, click here :) )

gsd, drawing, art, h/d

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Comments 7

ma_chelle January 18 2011, 17:35:55 UTC
Loving it so far! ♥

My very favorite Drarry fanart is of the boys hugging or snuggling close. It's so tender and intimate. I love the way Harry's arm is cradled around Draco's head. *happy sigh*

This just inspires me to read more fanfic, lol I've just started one up--again, something I've read before, but I noticed a sequel and I don't remember there being a sequel and enough time has passed that well.... *grins* I recall it being a rather angsty story too, so much for me finding something fluffy!


amythystluna January 18 2011, 22:51:45 UTC
Snuggling <333 I *love* pictures (and fic) like that, but man, it's complicated to draw, LOL. Yay for reference picture.

Ohhh, whatcha reading? *_*


ma_chelle January 18 2011, 22:59:04 UTC
I was reading a very VERY angst ridden fic by frayach called The Price We Pay For Wings It's a story I read about a year ago, with emotions that seriously haunted me for days. Well, I found her lj today (I didn't know she had one!) and while browsing through her list of fic, I noticed there was a sequel to it. So naturally I had to read it again! :)

It's really good, but it did make me cry again in a couple of places. <3 Actually, all the stories I've read lately have been heavy on the angst, so now I need something a bit happier, where poor Draco isn't a victim of horrible circumstances. *holds Draco tightly*


amythystluna January 18 2011, 23:08:25 UTC
ohhhhhhh *opens in new tab*

Heh, now that you mention it...I went through trying to find a fluffy fic I've read recently and... didn't really find one O.o The Cider Press was the closest thing I found was kinda fluffy? And made me want apples O.o


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amythystluna January 18 2011, 22:54:55 UTC
Awww, bad hubby! But then, I think there's still things I haven't posted/sent.....yeah. Reminds me--check your e-mail here in a bit, I had to do step-by-step saves for the fest thing on the other one, so I gif'ed 'em up, thought you might like :D

Heh, seriously, my hair can do it... frizzzzzzzzzz like whoa.


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amythystluna January 18 2011, 23:11:00 UTC

Ugh, I pretty much hate doing my hair--I don't have the patience to flat-iron, my hair's really thick and then ends up wavy anyway O.o I just stick no-frizz goop in it and let it be all curly....or wear it up


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