wake me up when september ends.

Aug 07, 2009 10:25

wake me up when september ends. literally. 
so that i wont have to face 1st day of school.
so that i wont experience my 21st.

and many things too, for that matter.

life's seriously to short to keep feeling so down because of how people treat me.
i lost touch with so many people. but i don't really care because i mean nothing to them anyway.

so to people ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

x_donndeckk August 7 2009, 14:21:21 UTC
me Mai or another Mai?
i'm gonna assume another Mai since i haven't been there for you.
we haven't talked since forever.

but, whatever is making you feel down, forget it.
keep your head up high. ^^


princesschoco August 7 2009, 16:07:58 UTC
Oi... August just began you know.
It's wake me up when september starts LOL


miss_iqa August 7 2009, 16:35:30 UTC
aww..i see my name there! (:
weeeee~~ i'll make sure i'd be there for you when you need us-me and su! ahahha


media_offline August 9 2009, 02:53:25 UTC
Cheer up amy =)


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