
Dec 23, 2009 14:16

Title: Mouth and Laugh
Author: amyhit
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nisei, 731, Abduction Arc.
Summary: "Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh; The worlds revolve"
Disclaimer: Not mine.

* * * )

my fanfic, x-files

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Comments 33

amalnahurriyeh December 24 2009, 05:44:48 UTC
This is sweet, and so nice to see them young and relatively healthy and in a decent mood for once, in their little cold basement.

(Though I have a very hard time believing in a DC winter that cold. But anyway.)


amyhit December 24 2009, 07:15:33 UTC
thank you! and yes, it somehow seems almost wrong to write sad christmas fic. well, maybe not if you're JET, but aside from her. *g*

Though I have a very hard time believing in a DC winter that cold.

you know, i actually did my research and went out of my way to look up DC weather records and averages, and somehow i think i managed to get two BS pages in a row, because i just went back and looked at one more - because, yeah, I didn't think DC got that cold either -- and now, finally, i am finding much more reasonable data. i'll have to change that!


amalnahurriyeh December 24 2009, 14:41:49 UTC
Well, I think your numbers aren't, you know, impossible--it has gotten that low in DC in history, I checked too when it threw me off!--but it would be an OMG WEATHER situation and probably the FBI would take a real live snow day, yanno?

Christmas angst is, well. It just seems mean to make people suffer at the holidays. Christopher. (I'm really good at my heckling-canon voice, aren't I?)

On rereading, I'm really a fan of the Winter Wonderland quote at the beginning. It's fairly perfect, and out-of-context in the best sort of way.


amyhit December 24 2009, 17:42:38 UTC
It just seems mean to make people suffer at the holidays.

agreed. is seems particularly mean to make Mulder and Scully suffer at the holidays--on one of the rare years when they weren't already suffering the immediacy of some tragedy or horror.

It's fairly perfect, and out-of-context in the best sort of way.

thank you, again, really - meriting a reread in the first place is excellent. and i have a proclivity for poetry and quotations, obviously. *g*


leucocrystal December 24 2009, 14:16:03 UTC
Oh, what a treat this is. I love your writing, it's so atmospheric - which lends itself especially well to pieces like this that have such a focus on the overall feel of a time or place (in this case the season and the weather). I could easily curl up happily for a while with this at a later time. Thanks so much for sharing it! You also capture the special closeness of Mulder and Scully in this, during a time where the balance is something I find tricky to get just right.

(Note: I noticed an "accept" where I think you meant for an "except" to be.)


amyhit December 24 2009, 17:57:20 UTC
capture the special closeness of Mulder and Scully in this, during a time where the balance is something I find tricky to get just right.

S3 kind of kills me. their denial (of what's going on between them, and with their lives) during that time has a sweetness and a natural depth to it, i think. in S4 and S5 the denial is more strained, more to a purpose and desperate, and i kind of think they're quite aware they're in denial. but in S3? it's like, "aaw, you guys haven't even let yourselves know yet!"

I noticed an "accept" where I think you meant for an "except" to be.

thank you. fixed.

I could easily curl up happily for a while with this at a later time. Thanks so much for sharing it!

thanks for reading it, and i always love your feedback! it appears i did post it at rather the wrong time, though, didn't i? the holidays are just too busy.


leucocrystal December 25 2009, 09:52:25 UTC
Aw, I know exactly what you mean. You just kind of want to prod them in the ribs and either say (depending on mood) "Get with it already!" or "Oh you two, you have no idea. Just wait."

Don't worry about that though, I'm just glad you put it out there! I hope more attention will be paid to it once the holiday is over, it's certainly deserving. (Also, if you celebrate, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.) :)


amyhit December 25 2009, 10:16:05 UTC
merry christmas to you too! heh. i want to come up with some kind of 'original' christmas well-wishing for next year, you know, for online use. maybe something like: "may your stocking overflow with delights, and may your christmas tree never become brittle."

and i'm not too upset, don't worry. it's not just me -nobody's really getting much comment love this week - unless it's about christmas. i get it. i'm glad even. the holidays should be an engrossing experience *g*.


aloysiavirgata January 3 2010, 14:42:57 UTC
together they're worse than two first graders, scuffing their shoes, waiting for a dismissal bell that stubbornly refuses to ring.

Perfect, really. It's so them.

I live not far from DC. It's 15 degress right now, high today in the mid twenties. We've already had over two feet of snow. There was snow in mid October this year.

She crosses her arms, but her expression doesn't change. "Disappearing," she says. It's been awfully cold in Maine this week.

He nods. "Or possibly walking out of their yards."

Yay! I'm put in mind of Calvin and Hobbes. I loved the snowmen in that strip.

Merry snow day. Yes. Oh, them. ♥ This is such a pretty story. It's simple and quiet and contains nothing grand. Those are often the hardest to write, and you did it so nicely.

By the by, I think you mean sleight of hand.


amyhit January 3 2010, 15:00:09 UTC
thank you. obviously you know a compliment from you is much valued.

contains nothing grand

it surprised me, in the end, how much this was the case. i'm glad it works for you, though, as i agree, in such low key fic, maintaining a sense of dynamic tension is a tenuous task, and it's hard to know if you've done it until someone else tells you.

I'm put in mind of Calvin and Hobbes

wonderful! i think mulder loves Calvin and Hobbes. (and maybe scully does to, secretly - or she certainly does, secretly, after finding out mulder does.)

thanks for the spelling catch. poor tree. i managed to minorly mess up the file her beta was in. she probably caught that, and i missed it. *is hopeless*


aloysiavirgata January 4 2010, 20:15:28 UTC
I think Mulder loves Calvin and Hobbes too. I had William readingit in a fic I wrote. It suits them, really. Amal and I were discussing the fact that Mulder would probably be a really good cook if he wanted to. He has that manic thing about him.

Low key fics - when done well - are definitely harder in my book.


anonymous January 4 2010, 05:01:43 UTC
This is lovely. Your M&S are utterly believable and I just love the "what would your snowman be" thread. Thanks for writing this!


amyhit January 4 2010, 06:29:25 UTC
thank you! double thank you! i'm extra relieved the "who would your snowman be" bit worked for you, because i'm quite a lyrics geek, and i'd always wondered about the line, "and pretend that he is parson brown" - but, well, not everyone is the lyrics geek i am. *g* i wasn't sure mulder's question wouldn't seem completely inexplicable. *is pleased*

also, i don't think i've ever had an anonymous comment on my fic before. you're the first!


namarie24 January 4 2010, 05:23:33 UTC
I would totally want to investigate that potential X-File - I mean, other than the extreme cold temperatures. Hee! :)

I very much enjoyed this.


amyhit January 4 2010, 06:31:54 UTC

I would totally want to investigate that potential X-File

IKNOWRIGHT! in my head, i have all these fragments of how things would've gone in Maine once they got there. alas, it never got written.


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