Marauding (1/1)

Sep 01, 2007 23:19

Marauding (1/1)
Author: Amy
Pairings: None really.
Rating: PG
Warnings: I hesitate to label this crack!fic because it’s not full of over-the-top silliness but it’s still not normal.
Disclaimer: All characters familiar to the Potterverse do not belong to me they belong to J.K Rowling, the various publishing companies and Warner Brothers no harm is intended. For the RP people…well I’m more than sure this didn’t happen.
Summary: Muses up to no good.

Author’s Note: Once again blame this one on afra_schatz it sprang up from a comment conversation I had with herabout an unusual crossover. While I could never write it for real I thought this would be a nice nod in that direction.
Author’s Note #2: I apologize for the length of this…it was supposed to be silly and short but once I let this lot get hold of the reigns they simply refused to shut up.

The four figures moved quickly through the hallway ducking into shadowy corners and crevices anytime there was the mere chance that someone could be heading in their direction. But no one seemed to be about. The halls were empty and quiet and dark except for a light down at the end they were heading for.

As they neared the room the slowed their pace the last thing they needed was to get caught after managing to come all this way. The room, however, proved to be empty. It was a large room filled with comfy chairs and a TV and a small food area. Bookcases filled with books and DVD’s lined the walls and there was an empty pool table in the center of the room.

Two of the figures looked around themselves with wide awed eyes they’d never been here before. The two that had been there before made a beeline for the things that interested them the most. One with sandy colored hair and patch worked clothes headed for the bookcases looking at the titles that had been added since his last visit. The other with dark hair and dangerously glittering eyes headed towards a strangely empty wall opposite the main part of the room.

“Come on, it’s over here.”

“I don’t know, Sirius,” the tallest of the group said doubtfully. “There’s nothing there…it’s just a blank wall.”

“It just looks like a blank wall…” the dark haired boy said in a sure voice. “I’ve seen her over here looking like she was going in and out of someplace so there has to be a hidden door. Right Remus?”

Remus dragged his attention away from the thick volume in his hand and shrugged his shoulders. “How would I know?”

“Because you’re here all the time,” Sirius said with a roll of his eyes as he walked over to the wall to examine it.

“I would hardly say I’m here all the time,” Remus said dryly. “I get to visit when she’s reading fanfic about me but I’m never a permanent resident.”

“You could be if you wanted,” Sirius said with a smirk.

“Yes because sticking around when she doesn’t want me too is the perfect way to get her to want to write me,” Remus said with a roll of his eyes.

“She hasn’t exactly actively come after me now has she?” Sirius said with a grin. “I think she likes me more than she admits.”

“You should be just happy that she tolerates you at school-age,” Remus said turning his attention back to his book.

“So okay,” Peter said as he watched Sirius fluff his hair and turn back to the wall. “I get why you two are here but what about us?” he said gesturing to himself and James. “I mean beyond liking it when people who write Marauder fic remember that we were actually all friends when we were in school she really doesn’t think about me much at all and James…” they all looked at where James was leaning against the wall next to where Sirius was knocking his hand against it. He looked bored and put out at even having to be there. “…well the less said about how she feels about him the better probably.”

Sirius sorted and nodded his head. “Yeah she doesn’t exactly think you hung the moon, James. But you’re here because I let you in.”

“I don’t get it,” James whined with a pout. “Why am I not allowed in? I mean I’m totally better than Draco and Sniv…”

“Don’t finish that, mate,” Sirius hissed, looking nervously around him. “I called him that once and…well it wasn’t pretty…”

“And…Snape…” James finished with a grimace. “But…but…how on earth does Longbottom get in and not me?”

“Neville’s been around here almost from the start,” Remus said with a smile as he settled down in one of the cozy chairs with his book.

“I know, that’s what I don’t get,” James said with a huff. “He didn’t even do anything cool until recently. How does he rate above me? Not to mention over Harry…”

“If you want to get in her good graces you’d best lay off Neville,” Remus said sagely. “And she’s started letting Harry come around recently.”

“With Snape!” Sirius added gleefully.

“I think I’d rather him not be around at all…” James said with a grimace.

“He doesn’t seem to mind,” Remus pointed out easily.

James grimaced again and then narrowed his eyes as he watched Remus continue to peruse his book. “Why are you so calm anyway? Shouldn’t you be more annoyed that she was all set to read about you and Snape and instead got distracted by Snape and Lucius?”

“She likes school-aged Lucius,” Remus said with a shrug.

“Damned Lucy,” Sirius muttered continuing to tap on the wall but now seemed focused on one area.

“Good fic is good fic,” Remus said clearly unbothered by it. “Besides I’m heavily featuring in the fic she’s currently reading and I know she’ll get around to me and Snape eventually. It’s called being patient. I know it’s a hard concept for you guys to get but…”

“Hah!” Sirius triumphant voice interrupted the lecture much to James and Peter’s relief. “I told you there was something here!”

They group turned towards him and watched as he touched his wand against the wall and murmured a soft spell. The wall shimmered and then changed to reveal a metal door with a large lock on it. He turned and sent them all a smug smirk and then turned his attention towards the door.

“I…I don’t think this is a good idea,” Peter said nervously. “If she’s got it locked up like that then…there has to be reason…right?”

“She rarely does anything without a good reason,” Remus agreed. “Come look at these books instead there’s some pretty interesting spells in this one…”

“You know what’s in here don’t you, Remus?” Sirius asked through narrowed eyes.

“No,” Remus said truthfully. “But she definitely doesn’t like anyone to go near it so…”

“So then, it’s got to be good!” Sirius said with a grin. “And that means I have to get in there.” He turned his wand to take out the lock when Peter spoke up nervously again.

“I think…maybe we should listen to Remus on this one,” he said quietly. “What if she’s one of those people that has a Tom Riddle muse or…or…well....his older form…”

“You don’t think…” James said with a shake of his head. “She doesn’t seem the type…”

“She likes Snape and Lucius right?” Peter said stating the obvious.

“Liking Snape and Lucius doesn’t mean that one’s automatically going to ship Riddle,” Remus said in exasperation.

“No…but it shows that she could lean in that direction,” James volleyed back.

“You’ve said yourself that they talk a lot about a He Who Shall Not Be Named,” Peter insisted taking a nervous step away from the door and James followed suit.

“They do but I don’t think they’re talking about Voldemort…” Remus said sitting up.

“Of course not,” Sirius said with a shake of his head. “If she did have some incarnation of Riddle in there she wouldn’t have him in a room just off the main area of this place and I’d hope she’d have him better guarded. Don’t you think?”

“Well…maybe…” Peter said in a hesitant voice but he took another step backwards from the door clearly not taking any chances.

James looked at Remus and Remus shrugged his shoulders stood and joined Sirius by the door. Might as well get whatever horror was probably in store for them over and done with so he could go back to reading in peace. James and Peter joined them a few seconds later all watching and waiting as Sirius pointed the wand at the door.

“You can get a hold of Harry and the others if we need them right?” he paused as he asked glancing at Remus expectantly. “We should be able to handle it of course but, it never hurts to be…well…”

“Prepared,” Peter squeaked.

“Yes exactly, well prepared,” Sirius said with a nod. “So do you?”

“It’s not like I have them on speed dial or anything,” Remus said with a roll of his eyes

“What?” Sirius asked in pure confusion.

“Nothing,” Remus muttered he sighed and nodded his head. “Yes, of course I can get a hold of the others but if what’s behind there is some form a Voldemort then…”

“Good,” Sirius interrupted with a reckless smirk. “That settles it them.”

Remus held up his hands in exasperation as Sirius turned his back on him and aimed his wand at the lock on the door. It clicked easily and all four boys breathed a sigh of relief. Surely if she was keeping Riddle in there it would have a much higher level of security if only to keep him securely inside. Sirius pushed open the door and they all piled inside with Sirius in front, James close on his heel and Peter between him and Remus who decided it best to bring up the rear. Sirius stopped dead in his tracks causing the three behind him to bump into each other.

“Well what do we have here?” Sirius drawled with a lazy smile.

“What the…” James said sounding annoyed as he surveyed the room in front of him.

“That doesn’t look like any Riddle I’ve ever seen,” Peter supplied helpfully. “And I get to see plenty of them.”

“Oh, him,” Remus said in a bored tone of voice. “I was wondering where she was keeping him.”

“You knew him and didn’t introduce me?” Sirius said with a pout.

Remus rolled his eyes knowing well the reason that Sirius would have wanted to be informed about this one. With dark tousled hair and matching eyes the man was exactly Sirius’ tastes. “Well I don’t really know him,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve just heard of him. He’s a bit of trouble from what I gather…”

“All the more reason to tell me!” Sirius said with a huff.

Sirius straightened his clothing and strode across the room towards the man as he swung his legs over the side of his bed and regarded them with wide confused eyes. “Who are you lot?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “I think I’ve seen you around before,” he said eyeing Remus up. “But…I certainly would have remembered you,” he said to Sirius who had stopped in front of him.

“That’s a rather nice accent you’re sporting there, mate,” Sirius said with a grin.

“Could say the same for you,” the man answered back dryly.

“Sirius Black at your service,” Sirius said holding a hand out towards the man who rose to his feet to tower over him.

“Ah yes, Black…the rogue one who refuses to leave,” the man said with glittering eyes.

“A rogue in more ways then one,” Sirius said with a knowing smirk.

“Eric Bana, nice to meet you Mr. Black,” the older man said in a thick drawling accent, his bigger hand reaching out to clasp Sirius’.

Though there was not visible spark the other three exchanged glances because they had felt it all the same. Remus sighed and backed out of the room heading back to his book knowing that there as nothing he could do to stop what was coming and that it was best to get out of its way.

It wouldn't be long before they were up to no good.

* * *

Author’s Note: And in case you were all wondering, and I know that you are, yes I see my muses at little mini people who live in my brain. Yes that’s probably more than you wanted to know but…hey…whatever works to get stuff written right?


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