Nostalgic Overdrive

Feb 17, 2013 12:35

*blows dust off ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

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amygirl February 17 2013, 21:55:38 UTC
Hey! *hugs and giggles*

Looks like I missed your birthday. I'm sorry and I hope you had an awesome day!


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amygirl February 17 2013, 22:07:01 UTC
I'm glad to hear that!


It's always nice to know that people have missed me lol. So much work to get this place back in shape though.

(Also do you have a tumblr? I plan to be around here more but I'm still on tumblr way more so if you do I would love to follow you there.)


dragonmad February 17 2013, 23:27:18 UTC

I miss Rings days too. :(

Wish LJ was like it used to be, but then I've not really been contributing to it either, so can't really judge.

Tumblr's great fun, but there's just not the same friend vibe. :(


amygirl February 17 2013, 23:34:28 UTC
Yeah I love tumblr because it allows me to feed my need to post and reblog shiny things but I don't have the same connection with my followers over there. But then I haven't really tired because that was never what I was really looking for with tumblr when I started and now it's too hard. I just miss the people I talked to a lot over here and would like to try and get it back again even if we've all moved onto other fandoms.

Are we following each other over on tumblr? I have someone on there with a similar name to your LJ name but I don't know if it's actually you or not. What's your tumblr name? Mine is infinityfishbowl.


dragonmad February 17 2013, 23:41:28 UTC
Oh don't worry, I started stalking you immediately. ;)
I'm the same there as here - dragonmad. (Wanted to keep things simple!)

Yeah, I like it because even when I'm really tired and can't be bothered explaining what's goin' on, I can just share lots of pretty pictures. As you say though, I miss the connection with people from LJ. :(

I'm determined to keep LJ to the bitter end though, even though I don't post much anymore.


amygirl February 17 2013, 23:48:05 UTC
I thought I recognized the name. Apparently I didn't recognize the name enough to follow (you should have sent me a note half the time tumblr doesn't inform me I have new followers and I only vaguely keep track of them on my main account) but I have rectified that now.

Yeah I'm going to try to get this going again. I need to get out more from my little bubble and at the very least maybe I can use it to motivate myself into actually doing...something. I'm so bad at doing anything these days.


msilverstar February 18 2013, 03:53:08 UTC
Hi!!! I'm still here, reading lots of hobbitsmut these days.


amygirl February 18 2013, 03:55:45 UTC
Hey hey! Nice to see you! I think I ran into your tumblr the other day.

I haven't read fanfic in ages. I keep thinking about it but I'm so far removed from it and have so many regular books to read I don't know if I have the energy. But maybe someday I shall return to my roots!


foxrafer February 18 2013, 13:14:07 UTC
I hope things are going well for you. :-)


amygirl February 18 2013, 16:18:05 UTC

I'm doing alright. Things are thing. Crazy as ever!


jackieville February 18 2013, 15:57:24 UTC
I've missed you!!!!!!! *smooshes and clings*

I'm doing good! I have a touch of Spring fever! *g*


amygirl February 18 2013, 16:19:00 UTC

I wish I had a case of the spring fever. I have so much to do, so little time to do it in, and so little motivation to do anything.


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