Out of Order: What Not To Do in a Sheet Fort (1/1)

Dec 14, 2008 19:32

Out of Order: What Not to Do in a Sheet Fort (1/1)
Author: Amy
Pairing: Orlando and Sean are both in this but it is not a pairing fic. (See Notes -- under the cut)
Warning: Fluff - pure unadulterated 6 Year Old Orli Fluff.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This Never Happened
Summary: Sean’s on Babysitting detail again.

Author’s Notes: Yes I’ve resurrected this series…sort of. After all my recent talk about Sheet Forts this idea popped into my head and while I could probably have done something with the girls this just felt more fun. I spent yesterday rereading the series and while I make no promises it did jump start the muses a little bit towards it…maybe. But for now I’m still considering the series as being discontinued.
Author’s Note #2: For those of you who don’t know what the Out of Order Series is please click the link HERE to be taken to the other stories, I recommend reading at least Adventures in Babysitting before reading this one it'll set the mood and help you understand what's going on but it's not completely necessary. It was a series that was designed to be written out of the order jumping from the past and the present and points in between. At the start Orlando is a child (aged 4 in the first couple and 6 in this one) Sean is in his twenties. Please don’t be alarmed nothing icky happens. Though the relationship does develop towards being something more when Orlando is older at this point there isn’t so much as a bad thought in Sean’s head about the boy.

* * *

Sonia Bloom unlocked the front door to her house and pushed it open stepping in quickly from the rain that was pouring down outside. She was struck by the silence that greeted her. With the weather so bad she’d expected to be greeted by a rowdy, stir crazy six year old there wasn’t so much of a peep from Orlando.

There was no sound at all.

No sounds from the TV in the living room, or noise from the kitchen, or Sean’s voice echoing down some wild story from upstairs in Orlando’s bedroom. All the places they might have holed up to distract themselves from the dreary weather outside.

“Hello…” she called as she dropped her brief case on the table in the entry way and started in on her coat. “I’m home…”

Sonia slid out of her coat and went to toss it on the chair that usually stood next to the table only to discover that it was missing. With a frown she placed her coat carefully on the table and went forward into the rest of the house to investigate its disappearance and just why the boys were so quiet.

She didn’t have to go far. She discovered the answer to both of those questions when she poked her head into the living room. A smile broke out across her face as she took in the disarray of the normally orderly room. It had been transformed from mere living space into a mighty, mighty fortress. It achieved this by way of what looked to be three separate sheets and every available chair the house had to offer. She didn’t want to think about how long it had taken them to create it. And she certainly didn’t want to think about how long it would take to put everything to rights again.

“Hey guys,” she said and waited there was no answer from inside the fort. “Permission to enter the barracks?” she teased gently.

There was still no noise from the fort not so much as a giggle. Just how Sean was managing to keep her chatter-box of a son quiet was a mystery. With a grin she slid cautiously forward fully expecting to get ambushed and pelted with pillows or crumpled up paper. Nothing of the sort happened and when she got to a spot where she could peel back the sheets and peer inside she got her answer.

The soldiers were sound asleep…well one of them was at any rate.

The fort was big enough to allow Sean to stretch out fully on his back and he was doing so, his head propped up on a pillow and Orlando’s small blue blanket had been draped clumsily over his chest. His breathing was even and deep. He’d been working overtime at the factory for the past few weeks but always quickly agreed to watch Orlando on his free weekends when she asked no matter how worn out and exhausted he was. The object had probably been to get Orlando to take a nap but it hadn’t appeared to have worked because Orlando was sitting cross legged next to Sean. His dark head was bent over a sketch book completely lost in whatever it was he was creating. She cleared her throat drawing her son’s attention. His eyes lit up and he grinned at her but pressed a chubby finger to his lips and hushed her.

“Someone’s asleep at their post,” she whispered gesturing to Sean and Orlando giggled in response. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m making a map to the buried treasure…” he answered turning his attention back to his paper. “The Gen’al said we were gonna go on a…expe…expe…hunt up the big mountain for it.” She laughed softly figuring the big mountain was the stairs and the treasure was probably buried in Orlando’s mess of a room. She crouched down so she could try to crawl in and join them but was quickly stopped by a whine from Orlando. “Mum…no girls allowed!” he whispered gesturing towards a spot near where Sonia was.

She glanced to where he’d been pointing and saw that there was white sign with bold blue lettering saying just that very thing with underlines and a lot of exclamation marks to get the point across.

“Oh…right…” she said with a smile and backed out of the opening. “Are they allowed in they come baring hot chocolate?” she asked playfully. “That’s just the sort of thing good soldiers need to keep going with their map making…”

“Hmmm…” he said his face scrunching up in thought. “Are there marshmallows?” he asked after a moment.

“Of course,” she said trying to hold in a smile. “It wouldn’t be hot chocolate without them.”

“Okay…” Orlando said with all the seriousness a six-year old could muster. “Just this once…” he said echoing something he picked up from somewhere, probably Sean. He was still a good mimic.

“Just this once,” she agreed.

Sonia waited until he’d bent over his “map” again to break out in a grin. She glanced over at Sean who was still sound asleep. She frowned as she noted the dark shadows under his eyes. His father had been working him too hard. She knew better than to get involved, the one time she had tried to talk to his father had been a disaster. Sean hadn’t come by for a month and she assumed he’d only came round again because Samantha had told him how much Orlando had missed him. Orlando was probably a bit too attached to Sean but it was too late to do anything about it now and she didn’t really see any harm in allowing it to continue. It was most likely just a phase for Orlando and one that would have to come to an end in a few years if Sean’s prediction about being sent to London to learn the business side of the trade came true.

She’d make three glasses of hot chocolate because Orlando would make a fuss if she didn’t but she’d try to convince her son to come out into the living room to drink it so that Sean could be left alone for a while to rest before waking him up and sending him home. He’d be annoyed and embarrassed to be caught sleeping on the job but Sonia didn’t mind.

Even Gen’als needed their sleep.

* * *


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