Aug 08, 2011 12:01

Okay so River is a 'reader', what her world calls a psychic. She also has the unfun bonus of never being able to turn off her abilities which means she's constantly picking things up from people. How does this concern you? Well I need to know what is okay to touch on and what isn't.

Can River read your mind?
Is your character a good person or a bad person? Somewhere in between? (This will reflect in how she might react to you.)
What might she be able to pick up from your character?
If there's anything specific you'd want her to see, can you provide detailed information on it and maybe a quotation from that time? River has a tendency to throw canon quotes back in the faces of people she talks to.

Thanks for your time! (Please note though that for her to read your character's mind outright she'd have to be within a certain physical distance.)


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