For your folks to have to talk about this and live through it again, for you to have to listen, and for all of you to have even a moment's worry that these perpetrators will get away with the crime is awful.
I feel for you and hope that everyone is held accountable for their actions, perpetrators and prosecutors.
It must be awful for all of you to have to relive this. {{hugs}}
And I can see how your encounter with the lady at the store would help. After reliving all that horror, it must have felt like putting a bit of balance to it all, to have that moment of "see, people can actually be good to each other."
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I feel for you and hope that everyone is held accountable for their actions, perpetrators and prosecutors.
And I can see how your encounter with the lady at the store would help. After reliving all that horror, it must have felt like putting a bit of balance to it all, to have that moment of "see, people can actually be good to each other."
And I am very, very sure that your small act of kindness to the lady with the canes has had a ripple effect...
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