Title: Awkward Discussions Lead To...
amycoolzPairing: Seeley Booth/Zack Addy
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, slightly humorous
Word Count: 1,180 (I didn't mean for it to get this long, actually lol)
Warnings: male/male kiss
Summary: Booth and Zack discuss the squint's sex life. Can you say "awkward"?
Are you willing to take that risk? )
Comments 12
now to actually read
but it's a good thing you're reading it, dammit
That was CUTE. And FUNNY. And very ZACK. XD
He was all, "I am a clueless professional and what are you doing?"
And Booth is all, "Let's make out!"
(The comment has been removed)
I love Zack's "I don't know what that means," because it's so IC, and srsly, while I would never have shipped this in canon (Booth/Brennan is like Kirk/Spock or Holmes/Watson, and thus, tis my Bones OTP) I love how you write them.
Also, I have never seen the Pain in the Heart -- I refuse to watch anything involving the Gormogon, ever since I found out what happened. Zack is my favorite.
Also, yes, Booth/Brennan is one of my favorites, I've just never written them (I've never had the muse). XD
And Pain in the Heart... idk, I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess, because I watch it even though I know it'll make me cry. Because Zack is my all-time favorite, too.
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