Something I found, oddly enough, by following links on the Hugo Kerfluffle (connected to a review of the "I read this turkey so you don't have to" variety of the nominated story by the odious racist Vox Day
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I actually paid the poll tax this year so I can vote: I shelled out for a supporting membership at Worldcon. I never bothered with the Hugos before, but this time I am going to.
I had a supporting membership for LonCon already (I was a pre-supporter when they first started their bid, almost a decade ago IIRC, with wistful "Maybe by the time it happens, I can afford a trip back to the U.K." thoughts
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Oh, and I intend to at least TRY to read VD's nominated work, though the quotes from those who've already read it aren't promising. I'm "privileged": unlike those fans of color who (understandably) don't want to subject themselves to the writings of a proven racist, I don't expect anything in his story to be personally hurtful to ME. That said, I don't feel I have to read EVERYthing nominated to vote fairly: a reaction of "I tried but quit after three pages/chapters..." is, in itself, enough on which to base a vote, IMO. If an author can't keep me reading (or, as with Mr. Correia, get me interested enough with the free sample that I'll seek out the rest of the book, and order a copy if I don't already have it around), then it isn't worthy of my vote for a Hugo.
My current plan is to try to read everything, but to start with the shorter categories, and to feel free to quit anything I'm not enjoying/interested by. WoT has basically *got* to go last--with 14 books I have serious doubts I will be able to finish it, and a single book could wipe out whole categories if I run out of time. The Hugos have a rule where if a category doesn't get a total of 25% of the votes of the biggest category they don't give any award in that category that year, and I'm concerned the hate slate will up voting in the main categories but not in the smaller ones, so I'm going to try to vote in all of the smaller categories
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