Title: New York part 1
tldreamerRating: PG
Story: Reid left after he quit his job and saw Luke with Noah. They meet in New York.
New York Chapter one.
11 February 2011
Cup of Joe, 5:30 p.m., New York City
Reid walked in to the coffeehouse next to his new hospital.
As soon as word got out that the Reid was available, he got a lot of offers, but New York Presbyterian’s got Reid’s attention. Not because of the big paycheck, but because the hospital was one of the top hospitals in the country for neuroscience. His new OR was nearly perfect. So far the work had been interesting and boring surgeries were usually transferred to another hospital. He was quite happy.
Unfortunately it was not enough to keep his thoughts away from the man he left behind in Oakdale, Illinois. He even avoided Katie’s phone calls, afraid to hear that Luke was happy with Noah. Or worse yet, unhappy.
Reid would have made Luke happy. But after Reid quit his job at Memorial to be with Luke, he found him back together with Noah. Reid all but ran out of town, not even saying goodbye. When Luke confronted him for leaving, all Reid said was, "You were just a blimp on the radar." Reid thought he saw hurt in Luke’s eyes, but that must have been a trick of his mind.
Just like now. Reid had turned to walk away with his coffee when he saw a vision of Luke Snyder sitting at a table in front of the window, reading a book.
He had to know, so he walked over. "Luke."
"Doctor Oliver, hello." Luke looked up at him for a second, then returned to his book the next.
Reid took the vacant chair next to Luke and sat down. "You’re here. Why?"
"The good coffee and the ambiance." Luke replied, not taking his eyes from the book.
"Why are you here in New York?" Reid asked again.
Luke looked up. "For a lot of reasons I won't bore you with. I live here now."
"But don't you live in L.A. with Noah?"
"Why would you think that? We broke up nearly a year ago - you know that. Did you just assume that when you dumped me I would go running back to him? Why am I even talking to you about this? Look I live here, apparently you do too. I will be polite when I see you, but I don’t owe you any explanations. Goodbye". Luke gathered up his book and bag and walked out before Reid could say anything else.
Okay, thought Reid, so maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion back in Oakdale. Time to call Katie.
After he ate some dinner, Reid sat down on his couch to call his Oakdale friend and queen of gossip, Katie.