
why Irulan is the best princess

Jan 28, 2024 17:01

Dune appears to be a book tailor-made for teenage boys. The main character is a lonely prince who discovers he has superhuman abilities. His parents move him to a far-off land for their own political reasons, while he mopes about, dreaming of an exotic girl who is fascinated by him. "Tell me of your homeworld, Usul..." Soon enough the political ( Read more... )

tv, music, sci-fi

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Comments 8

jenndolari January 28 2024, 11:50:21 UTC
Dune was my gateway drug to David Lynch. I feel bad that he considers it his worst movie, doesn't like talking about, and feels like a sell-out for it (could be worse, he was in line for Return of the Jedi), cause it led me to his greater works ( ... )


amw January 28 2024, 15:38:04 UTC
Honestly, you're not missing much in Villeneuve's Dune. I can't comprehend the praise he gets from film snobs because to me it came across as far less artistically interesting than Lynch's take. It features plenty of big budget effects, but the scenes are so drained of color that it ends up feeling unremarkable. Every shot is washed out to the point that it's practically a black-and-white movie ( ... )


jenndolari January 29 2024, 05:56:49 UTC
I was listening to the commentary on the original Miniseries DVD, and something I really loved was the producers KNEW they had no budget, but decided to go for a specific style that would help them: A stage play.

You can really see it once they mention it. Using the same backdrop for different scenes, huge lighting changes for mood. Funky one-camera blocking. I love it when the lack of budget is used to create a style. It's how we got the primarily black Batman The Animated Series.

I hate that war correspondence and live-as-it-happened battle reporting has really changed up how it's portrayed in movies. While I loved the early seasons of the Galactica reboot - the "shaky cam" used in nearly every cgi shot, and more than a few live action shots, felt cliched the moment they started doing it.

But that might just be me. I get upset when I see lens-flare in sci-fi because THE CAMERA ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!!! :D


terminal_ennui January 28 2024, 14:44:10 UTC

I’ve never been able to get into Dune even though it’s got literally everything I love going on. Obviously a failure on my part rather than Frank Herbert’s.

BUT. I was JUST talking to my husband about Dune last night because some of the baby engineers he works with are only familiar with Dune through the recent movies and he was horrified.

I don’t know if you’ve seen Jodorowsky’s Dune, but it’s a terrific documentary and I highly recommend it.


amw January 28 2024, 15:55:35 UTC
I'm not sure it's a failure to not get into Dune, especially the books. They are a product of their time, and written in a bit of a heavy way. I think you have to be in the right mindframe to tackle all the jargon and unexplained lore, not to mention the stiff character interactions and laser focus on only the most elite and privileged members of the society it portrays. I think i am lucky to have read it when i was at exactly the right age to find myself enthralled by the world-building, and now it got its hooks in me ( ... )


amw January 30 2024, 14:51:07 UTC
Well this is funny, i tracked down Jodorowsky's Dune and started watching it, and then i realized i have already seen it after all 😅 Ah well, it was fun a second time. I can understand the Spanish now!


picosgemeos February 1 2024, 10:39:48 UTC
I was also going to mention Jodorowsky's Dune and, especially, it's soundtrack.

Amw, I'd never heard of the Spicediver fan edit! Thank you, thank you, thank you - that's my weekend sorted out. :)


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