
update and a year end meme

Dec 30, 2023 17:19

The past couple weeks have been very busy at work, trying to finish up as much of our Q4 objectives as possible. I have zero interest in a raise or a promotion, but i still care about my team hitting our goals so the younger or more ambitious guys can get paid. Also, it's a nice feeling anyway when you finish something off by a deadline ( Read more... )

my boring life, career, memes

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Comments 9

siglinde99 December 30 2023, 11:45:46 UTC
I both agree and disagree with your answer to 12. It should be the norm, but also positive reinforcement is more likely to result in it happening than just trashing the jerks. I swear that phrase about life begins at 40 was made up by someone who got married too young so by 40 their kids were mostly out of the house, they could get that divorce, join (or rejoin) the work force, and do things they enjoyed for a change. They probably first said it when women were newly able to get credit in their own name, so sometime in the early 70s.


amw January 5 2024, 15:28:08 UTC
This is a good point about question 12. I think about positive reinforcement in a work environment, but i see it as a work-related thing because work is a structured place where bonuses, raises, not-getting-fired etc is all tied to people performing better this quarter than the previous quarter... In real life i don't think about doing it as much because i feel like in real life people should just be good people otherwise they are assholes. But... it's still nice when someone compliments you.

Also a good point on life begins at 40, it probably does have more to do with parents whose kids left home than child-free people who started realizing their body is now falling apart.

Edit: oh, and in spirit of acknowledging other people's good works... thank you for this comment 😅 It did make me reflect, in a good way.


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carriea31 December 30 2023, 22:33:52 UTC
These entries are fun to read. I am enjoying getting the perspective that people have on their own life. I am so glad your skin condition has improved... that was terrible.


olamina January 5 2024, 03:38:10 UTC

Thanks for this update!

I hope you get in more dancing this year.i was explaining to someone why I get up super early in the morning to go dancing and I was just feeling so grateful I've been able to make it work despite being "old' and a mom.

When I showed up to the rave at 3am this New Year's Day and hugged my friends who were working the door I felt so grateful for them and all the people that hold the space for us weirdos to come and just be free and lose ourselves on the dark cramped dancefloor. It's sacred space. Super powerful.

Hmm.. .Why do I feel like you went somewhere else in Europe last year? I remember you being happy to get good word was that already the year before? 🤔

Also why would you not be free in NZ? Do you mean you'd be sort of tethered to your dad?


amw January 5 2024, 15:32:52 UTC
Yes, Switzerland was end 2022. The bread there was much better than the bread in Macedonia and Greece, but honestly when you've been stuck in Asia a while then pretty much any European bread is good bread.

And, yes, going on a vacation where i don't get to pick the schedule means it's just like work. Feeling obliged to meet other people, work around their timetables... for me the appealing thing of getting time off work is that for once i don't need to worry about that stuff. Don't need to wake up at any particular time, don't need to be anywhere, don't need to do anything, i can just freely follow my own whims. That's what makes it a holiday for me, the opposite of work.


picosgemeos January 6 2024, 11:08:10 UTC
I checked out Once Again and Citizen Sleeper - they are the kind of games I like! Citizen Sleeper's soundtrack reminds me of the Austrian band (though their music mostly has lyrics - but worth checking out in case you don't know them).

I saved Cignol to check out - I've liked what you've shared so far.

Curiously, just before your post, another LJ friend also posted a 2023 in Review mentioning refugees (he teaches them ESL in North England and has the same view as you) and wrestling (he's really into it and even went to Japan for the first time this year to see some matches!)


amw January 9 2024, 16:54:20 UTC
Glad you enjoyed the games. I have been wondering if i should post a bit more about the music, games and TV that i enjoy. This meme format prompted me to write on some things i normally wouldn't.

Professional wrestling is such a delight to follow. It's a weird in being a form of theater that mixes comedy, acrobatics and superhero stories in a way that even the hoi polloi finds a simplistic and low-brow. Wrestling is surely bottom of the barrel as far as high/low culture goes. But to me the fact that modern audiences are in on the joke makes it greater than the sum of its parts. It's a safe way to cheer the good guys and hate the bad guys (while also secretly loving them for doing such a good job portraying a bad guy). I would rather people channel their emotions into this kind of contrived conflict than take "real" sports or reality shows or internet fights too seriously.


picosgemeos January 9 2024, 17:03:48 UTC

I love posts on music, games and TV so count me in as a reader! 😉


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